Title: Protect and Survive I: Might Just Save Your Life (1/8)
Fandom: Stargate
Rating: K+
Genres: action/adventure, drama
Summary: Laura Cadman thought she came back to Atlantis for Carson Beckett... but things aren't really happening as planned, thanks to our favorite Major, Evan Lorne.
A/N: Second part and first 'real' chapter... where we learn that Laura is not what you'd call an early bird ;) Also, rejoice, rejoice
mackenziesmomma didn't kill me for not chasing off the Star Wars/Stargate crossover bunny a prompt by
myfloralbonnet caused to appear. Maybe, in the distant future... that story will actually be written (okay, I'm lying... I kind of started writing it two days ago) finished. Anyway, on to the story.
Might Just Safe Your Life Prologue )
“Lieutenant Cadman.” She groans. This isn’t happening. It’s just not happening. “Lieutenant Cadman, do you copy?” With her face on her pillow, she fumbles around on her nightstand until she’s found her headset. When she’s finally found it, she needs all her energy to get up from the pillow and keep herself from bellowing into the microphone.
“Go ahead.” And please tell me you made a mistake and wanted to speak to some other Marine because in about an hour, Carson Beckett will knock at my door to drag me to the mainland for something that could be closely resembling an actual date, she thinks. But of course the wish doesn’t get granted.
“There’s been a distress call from P8U-684. Major Lorne expects you at the armory in 10 minutes. He will fill you in on the details.” What the…? Distress call? Fill her in on the details? She swears, if this is some prank call hatched by Evan and Chuck or one of the other Gate Control Room guys, someone will get hurt. Seriously. There might even be casualties.
But alas, she’s still a Marine. “As ordered. Cadman out.” With that she forces herself to get up and put on the only clean set of BDUs that’s left. She hopes that whatever this distress call is about, it doesn’t involve any goo, gore or other sticky and disgusting substances. She’s had far too much of those lately. All the while she’s cursing under her breath. It was supposed to be her day of; her first whole day with Carson, the day where finally one of them would make a definite move. But no, some villagers had to get in trouble of some sort and someone up the chain of command had to decide to bring her into the frame, for reasons she couldn’t fathom if her life depended on it. If Evan had any hand in that.
When she is finally done, she considers calling Carson but then decides against it. He’d just finished his shift after he’d patched her up after the bug busting mission and he deserves every minute of sleep he can get. Besides his quarters are on her way to the armory anyway. So she just scribbles down a few lines to tell him that she’s really sorry that she couldn’t go with him today because of being ordered on some impromptu mission and that she’ll make it up first chance she gets.
With a mixture between a grunt and a sigh, she finally leaves her quarters to jog down to the armory, with only a stop to stick the note on Carson’s door. After a few more minutes she reaches the armory where obviously everyone’s been waiting only for her. She quashes the need to roll her eyes at the Marine Sergeants and Evan all looking expectantly at her while checking their side arms.
“Reporting as ordered, sir.” She’s really making an effort to sound all business but some of the anger and disappointment have made it over into her voice. Hopefully, Meyers and Jones didn’t listen too closely.
Evan just nods and jerks his head at another set of weapons, some packets of C4 and a standard batch of grenades. At least he thought of bringing some of the fun things, she thinks a little sourly. Quick and thorough as always she checks the rifle, the Beretta and the other stuff and gets packed. After a short nod from her, their group sets off toward the Gate Control Room.
She would have been perfectly okay with not talking because she’s anything but a morning person but if Major Lorne is supposed to tell her the missions specs, he sure as hell should do that. But as he makes no move to do so, she forces herself to ask him, “So… the Control Room technician said you’d fill me in on the details?”
He nods, already in full combat mode. “Yes. We just received a distress call from a village on P8U-684.” Yeah, well, as if she doesn’t know that already. “Nothing specific, because contact broke before we could get any more information. We suspect either a Wraith culling or a raid by Michael’s troops. This will be a scouting mission, though. Quick insertion, scouting the perimeters, check out the village, quick get-away, return with the intel.” She nods. But there’s still something she doesn’t get.
“Permission to ask a question, sir?” She knows they’re still Lieutenant and Major, when they’re on duty but she hopes he gets the sharp notion in the little word and understands that she’s not happy with the whole thing.
He keeps his stoic combat face, though, and nods. “Go ahead, Lieutenant.” Either he really didn’t hear the slip of tongue or decided to ignore it. She hopes it’s the first option since she’s bound for a busting otherwise when they’re done with the mission, she’s sure of that. They might be friends but he’s officer enough that he doesn’t tolerate insubordination from anyone on a mission. And she’s officer enough to understand that.
Still… some little demon is riding her today, and now she can’t bring herself to stop herself from asking, “With all due respect… but why did it have to be me? Doesn’t sound like a mission for a demolitions expert.” Thankfully enough she could keep her grumpiness out of this. Well… mostly.
Nevertheless, he isn’t amused. But at least he has the decency to drop his voice. “Laura… Lieutenant Cadman, I don’t make a habit of explaining myself to junior officers, but I’ll make an exception for you,” okay, if she’s going to get a thorough tongue-lashing for stressing one little word the wrong way, he will get one for this stupid needless condescending remark he only made for the sake of Meyers and Jones maybe overhearing them, “You’ve been cross-training with the recon specialists. And you obviously were the only Marine available.” Just when she’s about to get herself worked up about this answer, he lets the mask of team leader slip, if only for a few moments, to say, “Laura, don’t take this out on me. It was Woolsey’s and Sheppard’s decision to put you on this team. It was an order.”
She knows she should let this lie. She knows she should honor the fact that he likes her enough to allow himself to speak not as her CO but her friend on duty. But for the life of her, she can’t keep quiet now. “You knew I already had the day planned. You could have said something!”
To her surprise he doesn’t dress her down on the spot for being a petulant child but just sighs a little defeated and says quietly enough that Meyers and Jones have no chance whatsoever of hearing them, “I know and I’m sorry for that. Listen, Laura, I promise I’ll play taxi driver next time you and the Doc are going to the mainland. Wherever you want to go, whenever you want to go… doesn’t matter. I’m your man. Promise.” Something… isn’t right here. Shouldn’t he be giving her a lecture about questioning orders? Or acting so spoiled? He isn’t going soft on her, right?
Or maybe… it was his idea to bring her along and now he’s feeling guilty and afraid to admit it to her face. But whatever it is, both of this is sounding somehow out of character for him. He wouldn’t request putting her on the team on some personal whim, right? No… no, he isn’t like that. It was probably just what she thinks: Woolsey and Sheppard decided to call her and he feels sorry because he didn’t tell them that she was scheduled for a day off, because he never questions orders that make perfect sense.
She decides she doesn’t want to think about this anymore. And they’ve arrived at the Gate Control Room, anyway. No time left for any further discussion. Shortly before they get the “Go”, she sighs and looks at him, saying, “Okay. Fine. Now let’s get this over with,” and trying to communicate via voice and eyes that she’s accepted his apology and apologizes for behaving like she did.
He just nods and she really hopes he got her message. She doesn’t want to go on a mission like that, with any hard feelings left. Maybe she’s a little hot-tempered but as fast as she gets riled up, she starts feeling guilty for being out of line. When this is over, she promises herself and Evan, that she will use the first quiet moment they get to say sorry for getting at his throat like that and tell him that he doesn’t ever have to feel guilty for not questioning Woolsey’s or Sheppard’s decisions about whom to put on his team.
Then Chuck gives them his okay. Shortly before stepping through the ‘Gate, she can’t help feeling a strange dark notion. Resolutely gripping her rifle a little tighter, she scolds herself for this esoteric nonsense and takes a step forward.
TBC in
Might Just Save Your Life 2/8.