Lots of stuff to get through today. Let's start with...
1. HAWAII. ZOMG. I absolutely cannot wait. asdkfsjlkjfdklsjasf;
2. Cell phone guy didn't come to Japanese today! :D It's the first class he's missed, so I'm hoping against hope thinking maybe he dropped the class
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Comments 4
2. That's good!
3. What the heck, too much sugar? That makes no sense. At least, to me it doesn't. Maybe I'm just too anime clueless.
4. So are you starting to dislike homework?
And from me: Yes, this really is ME, Anonymous Person, but my computer is being SO freaking annoying and saying that I can't connect to the Internet for no apparent reason.
So I'm using my mom's, that's why the IP address is different. Her keyboard sucks. It's too high (live above my waist) and it's split down the middle to help with carpal tunnel, so I'm not used to where the keys are. And all but the Q, W, Z, X, P, H, J, U, and most of the A and Y are worn off because she types so much, so I can't even see where things are! Arrr!
(That's a two-day old International Talk Like a Pirate Day leftover.) ;-)
-Anonymous Pirate
2. Yes. Yes it is. :D
3. Yeah, you're anime clueless. I'll explain it later.
4. Not really, I just don't like when we have SO MUCH of it. And having to memorize an entire page-long conversation without being able to improvise anything just plain sucks.
Ugh, that sounds annoying. And weird. I personally can't use any keyboards but my own because I'm so used to it, but that sounds like it would be especially annoying.
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