Kim is working with me today and Wednesday! Shes a fun girl. We had an adventure in the basement and we saved ppl from the elevator! I made her a live journal. Add her:::::::::::::::::::::::: kimberlyann87
I already added some ppl on her friends list so you won't be surprised if she comments!
Well i didn't update yesterday. Oh well. Wednesday night I played tennis with Christine and there were a ton of little kids around and Chris Ludwig was yelling at them. It was quite funny. THERE IS NO JV TENNIS! that makes me sad. Then yesterday me adn Kim were power washing an army barricks, i think. All the army guys were watching. It was great.
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I HAD SO MUCH FUN TODAY! This is the 1st time I got to sit down today! YAY!
All the summer hires had to clean up our buildings and we had to powerwash them. Im soaked and dirty but Im so happy! I love Kim. She's my work best friend. We kept messing with Jeremy Barber. My feet are soaked! YAY! YAY! YAY!
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with Pam's LurgyCause:watching too much televisionSymptoms:diarrhoea, steam whistling from ears, fangsCure:acupuncture
Go look at my profile. Hug me, look at my slime thing and my emo kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I went over Maggie's. We went to the library and over Rochelle's but she wasn't home. So we went to CVS and she got some Atkins chips. They weren't bad. Then we saw Shane at Dairy Queen and screamed his name. After that we went back to her house and watched the hilairous Conan O'Brian. Then she plucked my eyebrows which was so painful.
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