My ears have stopped hurting unless I bump them or get hair caught. Yeah, hair catches on my industrial alot. So, I've included a new picture of my ear with the industrial as there's no blood on it this time. =P
So, I'm at work studying for finals.
Education: All of my work is done and so is my final. =D Now I just have to wait for grades to be posted
Religion: I can only answer the two essays I know I know the answers to, get a 40 on the exam, and get a 69. I know my score will be higher than that, so I should at least get a C. =D
Geography: Apparently I'll get a C if I get a zero on the exam, and if I get a 50 I'll get a B. So again, not worried. =D
Spanish: Not worried at all
Adolescent Psych: This one scares me the most I think. It's cumulative!
Humanities 2: Also cumulative, same day as psych....I want to cry.