tldr: These are the links mentioned in the video: the first is to urge the US to step in and apply economic sanctions against Japan for their continued illegal whaling operations; the second is to prevent Paul Watson (founder of Sea Shepherd) from being extradited on trumped up charges from Japan & Costa Rica. They go to the White House's petition
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Originally posted by delaese at Justice for Mr. K. Today I got the following message from fellow DK enthusiast Brutal Hugs -
I know I've never really spoken to you (I won a fic from you once if you remember!), but I know you support the LGBTQ community and are very vocal about injustice that goes on. My former teacher from Saint Francis Preparatory
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Here is a link to a petition at asking the Obama administration to legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group. I think it's a damned good idea.Leave a comment
In Uganda, it’s already illegal to be gay. But some government officials -- with support from American evangelicals -- want to take government-sanctioned homophobia a step further. They’ve proposed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that would, among other things, institute the death penalty for repeated same-sex activity, which the bill's author has
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