I want to see "The Triplets of Belleville".
Nate and I are planning a date night in Boston Saturday after we drop our lovely neighbor into the Irish abyss, perhaps we'll see it then. I am so happy that she's getting to do this - amazed to at what power we all have. We want, we project that energy, we get. Not a bad deal. Although truthfully the most exotic place I'd travel to on business is likely Ohio - so I am a tad envious at the high-profile world traveller my friend's become - but I love her so much and am just too happy for her that there's honestly no bitterness. Most of anyone else there would be. LOL!
I just signed up for every Pro-Kerry website I could get my hands on. Anything I can do aside from give him money I will. Something's gotta be done. Just saw on CNN.com that people are peeved at ole Dubya's first string of ads - apparently he decided shock value was the way to go and used images from Sept. 11th to reinstill fear and anger into America's masses. For some it's backfired on ole Georgie - hopefully people will wise up and see the tasteless political motivation behind beating a horse that dead. There has been talk about a strategic uncovering of Bin Laden to perhaps surface in Oct. Cute eh? Jesus if people don't see through that shite... I know, I know - Kerry looks like melting candle wax and is quite bland on most occasions, but IMO Dubya looks like a horses ass and acts like one even more.
Thus endeth political rant of the day...
I have been feeling "off" past couple of days. Maybe it's the reality TV. I hate... HATE that I liked "Eden" or whatever it is - not so ashamed to have fallen into the "Apprentice" hoard, mostly because I am convinced I could kick some ass on that show myself. If the deadline for submitting applications hadn't been today I would have given it a go - given Trump a run for his money. Speaking (kind of) of "Eden" - my friend at work who I am reminded of by my favorite character on the show (character being fitting IMO), just got engaged. This is cool and all - but I had him all carved out for a certain someone already. His affinity for Tom Waits, the Muppets and the like were just all too perfect. Bah - the crazed wedding rush is freaking me out. Spoke the other day with a roommate from college who I swore was one of the "never marry" types, yet she's hitched (before I even), and has a baby on the way. Scary shite. Not me yet. Neewp. No way.
Things at work are slow, itching to dive in. At least I'm feeling more "official" - had the "sit down" with the new team and it turns out I am basically going to be in charge of all things art related. This rocks. But it's a slow transition. Maureen, who'd been handling all this single-handedly and I both need to merge into different roles. The ball's rolling though, which is good. Funny though that tomorrow I'll be chillin here at the office grounding myself in this position and basically left to my own devises while coworkers are out of the office for the day. I like not being babysat.
At any rate, I'll just ramble on so I'll cease and desist for now.