I really liked the character Chandler. I thought his texts to Kurt were fun and witty, and he seemed to be a fun character to write. I'm sad we won't see him again in the Glee 'verse, and after thinking about it for a while (and reading Glee Angst and Glee Fluff meme prompts), I came up with a quick plot bunny that is EATING my soul.
Okay, so back when Kurt originally transfers to Dalton, I want him to transfer to East Lima High instead. Burt and Carole just can't swing the expense of Dalton and East Lima is only 10 minutes away from McKinley, which is much more manageable. Kurt isn't sure at first, because he doesn't know anybody, but he promises his dad he'll give it a try.
First day there, he meets Chandler, and instantly becomes friends with him. He tells Blaine ALL about him, because now he isn't the only out gay teen, and Blaine becomes a "mentor" type figure to both of them (even though Chandler doesn't really need it).
I want to write about Kurt settling at East Lima High and what he does to make friends. There's no Glee club, but they do have a GSA (that has like, four members and is really pitiful) and a drama department, and the cheerleader coach there recognizes Kurt from the Cheerios and wants him for their own cheerleading squad. It isn't perfect, he still gets called names, but its *better*. The teacher that sponsors the GSA actually patrols the halls during break to try and stop the bullying; Chandler and Kurt walk everywhere together because that way they always have backup, etc.
Meanwhile, Blaine is happy that Kurt knows another gay person, because now Blaine can almost stop being as much of a mentor and focus on being a friend. It helps that they don't go to the same school, because Kurt is learning how to stand up for himself and be himself and not hide at all, and Blaine is actually kind of jealous.
The events of BIOTA still happen, but Kurt isn't nearly as devastated because one of the girls from the East Lima GSA is totally bi and they'd actually talked about biphobia at one of their meetings. Instead, Kurt and Chandler flirt the entire evening and are actually supportive of Blaine exploring things with Rachel.
Fast forward and McKinley wins Regionals and suddenly everything is about New York, New York, New York, and Kurt is kind of sad not to be part of it, but he also got a part in the East Lima school musical and he and Chandler and Blaine are planning a weekend trip to Columbus for when Finn is in NY, so it isn't horrible. Then Santana pulls the thing with the bully whips and Karofsky, because everyone misses Kurt like crazy at McKinley.
The thing is, Kurt doesn't want to transfer back. He tells Santana and Finn and David and his dad, and Burt is actually really supportive of Kurt not moving back; he's seen how much Kurt has basically blossomed at East Lima. Santana and Finn take it personally, though, and suddenly all of New Directions is taking it personally. They think Kurt is abandoning them for his new gay friends, and start being mean and snarky. David is just happy to get off the hook with Santana, and okay, fine, if pressed he's happy that Kurt's happy.
Other things happen, but what it all boils down to is for David's senior year, he decides to transfer to East Lima because it seems more supportive. Blaine decides to transfer too (and in this AU, they're all the same year) because he wishes he had stood up to his bullies and he figures he'll be safe at East Lima.
In the end, Kurt and Chandler hook up; and oddly enough Blaine and Karofsky. The four are practically inseparable and make plans to move to NY together. They're like the four musketeers! BFF for life!
So, yes, I need to plot out more and figure out details and like, actually write this thing. I want it, though. SO MUCH. *nods*