Lost Forever (Bible; Adam; G; #194: Dark)

Feb 17, 2013 00:44

Title: Lost Forever
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: The Bible
Characters/Pairing: Adam
Rating: G/K
Challenge: #194: Dark
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

He had never been afraid of the dark, but then, too, he had never been as alone as he was now. He walked the new world in misery, flinching at the slightest sound and his fear growing constantly. Though woman walked beside him, he knew he was alone. He was cut off from his God, his Maker, his father, and Adam cursed Eve for nothing could ever come close to what she had made him lose. He should have just declined her offer, but he had fallen for the woman's game. He had fallen, and he was now lost forever.

The End

fandom: the bible, author: katleept, challenge 194: dark, rating: g

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