Title: Letter From Home
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men/Generation X
Characters/Pairing: Cannonball, Husk
Rating: G
Challenge: #196: Letter
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
"It's in."
"Thank you, Mistah Cassidy. Ah'll be there soon as Ah can get there."
Nonetheless, he flies as swiftly as he dares, quickly eating up the miles between his latest home in New York and his little sister in Massachusetts. He watches from the window as Sean hands the ordinary looking envelope to Paige and walks away. Sam waits patiently while she reads, but his soft bootsteps fall heavily as he approaches. She's already crying, but he waits until she's done before hugging her tightly.
"H-How'd you know?"
"Ah reacted th' same way when Ah got mah first lettah from home."
The End