Title: The Coming Night Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Hotel Transylvania Characters/Pairing: Jonathan Rating: G/K Challenge: #194: Dark Summary: ( He knows what's in the dark, or rather, who. )
Title: Lost Forever Author: Kat Lee Fandom: The Bible Characters/Pairing: Adam Rating: G/K Challenge: #194: Dark Summary: ( He knows he's lost forever. )
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!
Title: A Beautiful Friendship Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Hotal Transylvania (Mod, could you fix my author tag, please, -- this is OrliDepp at a new name -- and add a fandom tag for Hotel Transylvania?) Characters/Pairing: Count Dracula Rating: G Challenge: #193: Light Word Count: 100 Summary: ( Jonathan gives Dracula another gift. )
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!
Title: Never Afraid Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia Characters/Pairing: Lucy, Aslan Rating: G Challenge: #192: Protect Word Count: 100 Summary: ( She's no longer afraid. )
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!
You can still suggest prompts here. If you had already done it, you can do it again. And all the previous prompts are always available for writing. Enjoy!