Yeah - it really is! The first night, I swabbed his mouth, let him nurse, then treated myself. The next two nights I treated both of us at the same time... much messier! But by the morning it's mostly gone (because he's drooled it all over me and his swaddling blanket.
And I hope you didn't think I was being...I dunno...oh I don't even know, but I guess what I meant was that you just look so genuine. You know? That's a big deal. I don't like "fake" people.
I remember all I could think for the entire time I was pregnant was, "I just want to know what the baby looks like. That's all. I just must know."
Now I look at her, and it's almost like I'm so used to her. And then sometimes I'll look at her and think, "How are you here?" Like it's so incredible that I had a baby ....that somehow turned into a 7 year old kid. Wow.
It is! I was trying to find a better pic of him in the outfit, and I think the best one I have is if him with the doctor... I'll post that in a bit! That was so thoughtful of you, Lori! One of these days I'll get real thank you notes done and sent out, too...
Comments 25
And the purple? It's KILLING me. So fantastic! I mean - it's bad. So bad. But yeah, it's soooo adorable I can't even tell you.
My God he's a good looking baby!
I secretly love the purple!
Thanks... I agree... but I'm biased! I love him!
You have such a sweet looking kind just makes me want to be your friend!!!
Thanks! And you ARE my friend! =)
You know what though, motherhood is messy, isn't it? Yours is just technicolored heheheh.
Isn't it amazing how LOOOOOONNNNNNG the nine months of pregnancy take, and then how time goes into warp speed once the baby is here?
I love babies. Mine are so grown up now. I miss them being babies.
I remember all I could think for the entire time I was pregnant was, "I just want to know what the baby looks like. That's all. I just must know."
Now I look at her, and it's almost like I'm so used to her. And then sometimes I'll look at her and think, "How are you here?" Like it's so incredible that I had a baby ....that somehow turned into a 7 year old kid. Wow.
Is that the goldfish outfit in the first picture?
So THAT'S what you were doing on my birthday! :D Good choice!
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