Okay, I got into a "argument" with a coworker today and I want to know what people think. I've worked at the library for 20 years and I am the only full time reference clerk there. We have 4 part time people so we all have to share computers and work space. I am there 8 hours a day and have my stuff all over my side but people use my space (
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Comments 14
common courtesy after all...
If you don't have medical problems then wear your big girl panties (said in fun) and just adjust your chair.
You could just bring your own chair in and then tell her to leave it the heck, alone. :)
Sounds like she's got a little power play going on. :/
2) Any other chairs/stools about? Either one that can't be messed with, or one to be swapped out depending on who is sitting there.
3) It seems a little petty, to me, to go up the food chain....Ask her if she could raise it when she is done? Maybe ask boss if another chair could be brought in so you each could have one to set at whatever height you want? Maybe bringing that up could be a lead in to the discussion with boss?
At my library, we have so many chairs that we don't know what to do with them. In the back room, they are all corralled around a desk looking neglected lol.
Genagirl - we love your House/Wilson stories! When are you going to write one again like 'In from The Cold'. This is a awesome story! Please write us an romantic/angst epic with Wilson as the main focus point.
AS for H/W fic, I hope this coming year I can get my mojo back. The show let me down last year with all the Huddy - which I hated. Wilson was just awful and so was House to him. This year better be better!!
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