Title: A Storm is Warning in the Skies
weaselettFandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing/Character: girl!Ianto (Iona Jones), Nine
Summary: Pre-series for both New!Who and Torchwood. Iona Jones meets The Doctor and takes up his offer to go travelling and it isn't quite what she expected.
Word Count: 23340
Warnings: Vague possible background spoilers for Torchwood COE
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or Doctor Who and no profit is being made from this fic.
Author's Notes: A huge amount of thanks go to my ever wonderful beta
charlies_dragon and
hanuueshe who was a brilliant help beating this fic into shape and persuading me to use the word 'brilliant' a bit less ;). I wrote this fic horribly out of order, something I normally avoid and from a sole POV, so it's a little different from what I'm used to, hopefully it works though :). I made up the bit about the golf course on Arran with 19 holes, just so no one tries to tell anyone that as a fact, there are a lot of golf courses on the island though. Any mistakes that remain are my own (in other words, any remaining 'OMG you killed grammar/spelling/word usage' bits are my fault, feel free to point them out if you find any, I will happily fix them). Comments are wonderful and constructive criticism is welcome.
Part One Part Two Part Three Art