Doctor Who - The Time of Angels
5 out of 5
Right off the bat it was hilarious to see the Doctor excitedly walking through a museum stating all the wrongs and then getting really excited when he sees an artifact from his personal past. Fantastic! And awesome to see old High Gallifreyan writing. Very exciting. And I don’t know if it is the hair or what (though that is def a part of it) but River Song looks much older here. (*Though we find out later that this is actually her personal past.) and she’s a doctor? Interesting. I like that we see a puzzled Amy here as River crashes onto the Doctor (Matt’s idea, very nice). She sees the Doctor rush to aid this woman (who’s 12,000 years in the past) and begins to see that the Doctor has connections out there in time and space. Stablizers = Blue Boringers. HAHAHA. Awesome. LOVE the Doc tor’s impression of the TARDIS groans as it lands. And wow, it not supposed to make that noise?! I’m with the Doctor, it’s a brilliant noise! I absolutely love the look that the Doctor gives Amy after he shuts the door behind River. It’s a look that almost says he wishes that Amy had never witnessed what just happened. That he was shown up and wishes he could reverse it somehow.
Once again we see the Doctor run into River at a point where she clearly already knows him but still a future him. The 12th Doctor? 13th? The important thing to realize is that River hasn’t been to The Library yet. Those events are in HER personal future and we know that is where she sacrifices herself. So those events happened already for The Doctor but not for her. We can still see the hurting guilt that the Doctor has that he couldn’t really save her in the Library which I felt was evident in his facial expressions and actions. And it must have been hard for him to act like those events haven’t happened yet because this is clearly someone he will love deeply. I like that Amy can already sense the relationship tension between the two of them and realizes there is some strange very strong connection. River has knowledge (power) over the Doctor (from the diary that she carries) and you can see that it slightly angers him and upsets him. This is also evident when she just goes on as if their relationship has been going on the whole time (though for her it has). She walks away and calls for the Doctor to ‘sonic her’ and you can see the Doctor oblige but he’s clearly off put by it. And its great that Amy starts teasing him about the relationship.
At first I thought it was odd that the Doctor sort of talks down to Amy when she teases him again about being grumpy but it makes sense because to him at that moment she’s acting childish in a very serious situation. And kudos to her for bluntly calling him out that River is his wife. I think its really cool that the church ‘has moved on’ and their Bishops and Clerics are soldiers in the 51st century. In Silence in the Library, River asks the Doctor if they have done ‘Crash of the Byzantium’ yet. We now can see that the event she is referring to is the events that unfold in ‘The Time of Angels’. The Byzantium was the ship that River was on and then it crashes. It was very clever for Amy to blink one eye at a time in order to keep from fully blinking. Kudos. And as a soccer player I have to say, “Nice punt, Doctor.” Ha. Then all of a sudden River’s mystery deepens a bit. Who is she really and why was she in prison? And she doesn’t plan on going back…did she escape? Someone looking for her? Is she helping the church in order to not go back? Hmm..
Low level perception filter…can everything create a perception filter these days? Lol. Though I had called it that all the statues would be Angels and I think its brilliant that there is a whole army of them!! According to an interview with Karen and Matt, Matt really bit Karen’s hand. Hard apparently. Ha! “space teeth” haha I loved the Angels in Blink and thought they were a brilliant monster and quite scary. I love this episode because so much more knowledge of the Angels is unlocked. It was just amazing and I cannot wait for the next episode!
Brilliant Quotes:
“What if we had ideas that could think for themselves. What if one day our dreams no longer needed us. When these things occur and are held to be true the time will be upon us. The Time of Angels.”
“There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap...Me.”