Title: Amazing Author: general_public Rating: R Characters/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: James Kirk; domesticated and in love. So this is what it's like. Word Count: 1,384 Disclaimer: Not mine
This is... this is... perfect. Well, okay, except for 'disguarded' instead of 'discarded', and a couple other things but who cares when given the utter beauty of this prose. :scrabbles for words: When I write, I really am writing for tone, for atmosphere, for a scene. Because there are, what, six plots in the world? so clearly what happens isn't nearly as important as how it happens. And how it happens here is beautiful: a lot of show-don't-tell, a lot of mixed emotions, a lot of bits of their surroundings put in as the characters would or wouldn't notice them. GAH. I LOVE IT, BB. FAVORITING YESTERDAY. <3<3<3
Thank you! I don't have a beta reader and apologise for any typos that slip through - but I'm really happy any niggles didn't spoil your overall enjoyment of the story. So glad you liked it. :)
That hit just the right note. I had this fear it'd be overly sappy and pink hearts twirling around unicorns... but nope. That was sweet and perfect but oh so them!!
Comments 55
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I could perfectly envision this. It was so sweet and easy... and I think they really could be that way if they quit being silly boys.
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