I remain very bad about keeping track of everything, except possibly posts involving puppies, my apologies. But I have been actually finishing a few books, I think the trick was a definite change of palate, no real wow books ( I wish!) but some which I managed to get into and finish.
Comments 8
Hee to the mysteries about avocado growing. And yeah to all your comments about Twilight. I enjoyed it okay mostly, but I got to the point of wanting to scream at yet another description of the hero's incredible gorgeousness. B. (who at the time would have been more the appropriate audience!) stopped reading early on because of that.
Sisterhood? Never read any, so your talking of them sounds v. entertaining!
(FWIW, all three books are already out in paperback in Australia, and the last one is out (in hardback) in the US and due (also in hardback) in July in the UK. You shouldn't be waiting that long if you go ahead with the second book.)
She also has another series, the Black Magician trilogy, which is already done and out in paperback. There's a prequel standalone and a sequel trilogy already contracted, too.
The finished series sounds a bit though for what I checked one of those other trilogies contracted seemed more intriguing to me, courtly intrigue yay. I suppose you have not read The Black Magician series? I might consider that, but will see if it cames my way on a used bookstore or market or something. MY TBR problem really is serious.
And I've read her other series too. It's the same kind of thing - not great, pretty predictable, but entertaining enough. Well, until the end, where some things just made me scratch my head and think 'why did she do that??' But still, not one I'd warn people away from, especially if they already like her writing.
I also thought Twilight was a very teenagery romance. So much angst and drama :) I thought the lead undervalued herself a bit, too - it worried me that she kept saying how worthless her life was without her True Love, kill me now etc. But it was fun and well written. I just wish I could post it back to my 16-year-old self!
I liked Wintersmith more than Pratchett's other recent books, too.
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