[OOC | APP] I don't think you know what you think you know baby

Apr 25, 2010 01:22

Name/Nickname: Peter
AIM/E-mail: pikabot, peter [at] spatula [dot] ca
LJ: pikabot

Canon Character and Series: Lt. General Grumman, Fullmetal Alchemist
In-Game Name: General Eustace Grumman (Equivalent to Admiral)
Age: 61
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Passenger, Amestris

Appearance: Grumman is an elderly, grey-haired man. He has a very impressive and well-groomed mustache, and small, round-framed glasses. He is usually found in uniform, which makes him look slightly more impressive than his small frame would usually allow.

He is also quite an effective crossdresser, when he wants to be.

Personality: At first glance, one might think that Grumman was an eccentric old man, who need not be taken seriously. This would be a mistake. While his behavior is certainly eccentric, this is largely an obfuscation, designed to make him seem harmless. Behind the mask, he has a mind like a steel trap, and is extremely ambitious. If you bu into his 'doddering old man' act, he may already have the advantage on you before you even realize that something's happened.

He likes to play the chessmaster, manipulating and using people around him to get what he wants. Generally he does so while giving the impression that he's helping the poor saps that he's using, but he can be surprisingly ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants. He's served his country for over forty years, and he wants the recognition he feels he deserves for his long and successful service, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Oh, and he LOVES messing with people. He loves getting under their skins with his eccentricities and doddering old man act, and provoking a reaction. It amuses him to no end.

Abilities/Weapons: Grumman is an old soldier, who began his career as an enlisted man before hopping onto the command track. He's been combat-trained, and is a capable marksman. However, he's old now, and physically speaking it's taken his edge off considerably. He might still surprise you, though.

His greatest asset, however, is his mind. He's much smarter than he appears, and knows how to read people and situations, and turn them to his benefit. He's played the game of inter- and intra-service politics for long enough to know the ins and outs, and how to situate himself for the greatest possible benefit. He's also got a good mind for strategy, which makes sense considering his highly successful career as a ranking officer.

How well can your character hack?: Not at all.

Weaknesses: Behind all his games and strategy, he's just a normal human being, and an old one at that. He's as fragile as anyone else.

He's also prone to overextending his hand and putting himself in a bad spot. Strategically, he's much better on offense than defense, and the same general pattern holds true in the rest of his life as well.

History: Eustace Grumman was born into a military family in Melior. Following the example set by his father, and grandfather, and most of the rest of his extended family, he enlisted in Ivona's ground forces as soon as he was eligible. He had spectacular timing: he was right in time for a border skirmish,and was sent straight from training to the front.

He lasted for several years of fighting before he was noticed by his superiors as being potential officer material, and approached him to suggest that he return to the Academy and get onto the officer track.

Back to Belarus he went, and when he completed the program, he was a newly-minted Sub-Lieutenant, and had a girl on his arm. A girl he eventually went on to marry, and have a daughter with. Unfortunately, over time his relationship with his daughter soured, and the became estranged after she married a magitech researcher who was strongly critical of the military's role in the government. Although he knows he has a grand-daughter, he hasn't seen her since she was very young. His relationship with his daughter is one of his life's greatest regrets.

Most of the rest of his life has been consumed by his work. He continued to climbg the ranks in Ivona's ground forces as he worked to settle border disputes and put down Badlands rebellions. He's made it almost to the pinnacle of military service...but not quite. There is only one person who sits at the top, and that person is Grand Admiral King Bradley. Worse still, mandatory retirement loomed just around the corner for Grumman. He wanted Bradley's position so badly he could taste it...so badly that he could not afford to wait for Bradley to step down or suffer an accident. But neither could he act overtly against him. The only chance he had was to discredit Bradley somehow.

Bradley's new position as Captain of the Amestris and Representative from Ivona provided Grumman with the chance he was looking for. Bradley had positioned himself in the spotlight, as a very public figure. All the better, Grumman figured, to disgrace him.

ooc, app

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