May 25, 2005 00:42
So I am one of the employed. Go me. It's surprisingly tiring, but good for the soul, I guess. Hell I've already started changing. *points to skirts and 'very female' shirts in the closet* I bought jewelery even. That matches... Wow. Go estrogen, or some crap.
The cable here has a 90's channel of digi-music. Listening to it has made me miss M even more than I did before. I know his life got fucked up a lot, but damn do I miss the guy. I hope he's okay, I really do. (If by some chance he's reading this, Merril Bainbridge's "Mouth" came on and I nearly died laughing remembering how we all used to sing along to that song. Romy and Michelle soundtrack too. We were such dorks. It was killer fun.)
It's weird looking back on parts of your life and realizing that, maybe, it didn't all suck eggs. Maybe some of it was downright decent.
....I'm supposed to be the jaded and bitter one, remember? What the hell is happening?
....and why do things involving the 1800's make me ache and want to cry so bad? *kicks past life in the head*