....After a few drinks people start talking about wanting a pie (i.e meat and potatoe)/ kebab and all you really really want is a nice string cup of tea.
I don't much about death note but i do know campy Joss Whedon musicals. Now the two are combined with 'Death Note' by Tom Smith a parody of 'Bad Horse' from Dr Horribles sing-a-long blog which I am sure u can still find lying around the interwebs completely free fyi.Leave a comment
My first real task on my new course is to put my intelligance and skill toward crafting a poster. I'm trying to do a degree in english and they want me to make a poster. Gah
Looks like we made it boys and girls. They switched on the super computer and managed to avoid making a super blackhole. Wish they could have done it at a slightly later time though, I could have slept through the whole thing and not noticed. And then i would have felt really silly, aking up to find reality gone
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U know it might be raining a lot if you find the whole of your workplace flooded and must spend twenty minutes splashing through puddles to get the cardboard boxes of paperwork off the floor, or evacuating customers due to water pouring in through light fixtures, or standing outside cos the fire alarams have been tripped
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Just fyi, I've got new phone. So while i have the same number as before, I dnt have ur numbers. Any1 wishing to get in touch might want to e-mail or whatever with ur numbers. ta
Ive been working my @$$ off doing homework/coursework/revision all day. Well most of it. Anyway when I found out sam had made his own Doctor who trailer to rival my own I knew that it was time for a break
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