
Feb 14, 2009 03:10

Joss Whedon's new show, Dollhouse, aired last night on FOX.   I did not sit down to watch it with the intentention of writing a review so this is just my personal ramblings and thoughts on the show.

First let me say that I did enjoy the show, let's be clear about that.

As much as I would love to see 7 seasons of Dollhouse...or pretty much anything by Joss... I foresee Dollhouse following in Firefly's engine trail.   I used to call FOX Network "Fox hurts people".   Now I think it's "FOX hates Joss" Network.   While I do not follow the entertainment industry news as faithfully as some, I do know that Joss had many issues with FOX in getting Dollhouse made.  I very much doubt that what aired last night is what Joss invisioned Dollhouse to be.

The plot does take some extrapolating to understand.  While I don't want a plot to be forefed to me, somethings in episode one I had to really make some effort to connect the dots.  I do not want to get into spoilers so I will try to avoid specifics.   I don't think that the average Friday night viewer is going to want to have to search for plot links too much.   Especially if "FOX hates Joss" wants to use Terminator:  TSCC as a lead in.   Terminator is not heavy on the thinking plot lines.

The dialog also seems to lack a Joss touch.   I wasn't expecting Buffy banter, but even Firefly/Serenity had a bit more of the Joss sound to it.  If I was not aware that Joss wrote and directed it, I would not have recognized it as his.    I even recognized Titan AE as  Joss touched.   This just didn't have it.   Very sad.

I liked Eliza as Echo.  You could really see the changes in personalities as she moved through the episode so I can definately applaude her acting ablility.   However, can some one please feed her?  (sorry personal pet peeve)

Also how may producers does one show honestly need?  Dollhouse had like 8 or 10 producers.

I am hopefull but realistic on the future of Dollhouse.   Unfortunately, even when it gets cancelled I don't think DH will have the following that Firefly had to get a movie made.

So that is my two cents.
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