Title: Chosen And Alone
Author: Donna Thorn aka Vala (
http://wild-youth.com/fanfic/Fandom: BtVS/HP crossover
Character(s): Kennedy
Rating: PG
Summary: In the end, all that were Chosen were alone. That was the way it had to be.
i. Fairytales
Giles had told her about them before he'd sent her off to England. Witches and wizards, that is. Not extensively, but of them and their community deep beneath the heart of London. And their wands, and their sort of magic.
Their magic sounded even more like a bunch of fairytale crap than Willow's had. But Willow's magic didn't seem like fairytale crap anymore. Having the life sucked out of you on a regular basis by your sometimes-black-haired girlfriend, just so she could get a power boost, sort of diminished the fairytale.
She prayed to whatever Powers That May or May Not Be that she never encountered magic like that ever again. Or just magic in general. But, of course, the Powers That Screw You never listen.
So here she was, a lone slayer in London, the home of the current hellmouth, with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Buffy was dead, Faith was dead, and here she was. Chosen and alone and in London. And Chosen.
ii. Lessons
She strutted down the dark street. She'd learned this walk from Faith. The classic "I'm the Slayer and lovin' it" walk with the look to complete it. Black leather and a black shirt to finish it off.
She'd learned a lot from Faith. The walk, the look, the fighting. Buffy was all about business. She didn't put feeling into her fight like Faith did. Faith loved the fight, she had lived for it. It's also what got her killed, but in the end, she would die too. They all did. Usually sooner rather than later.
Buffy had been the longest living Slayer ever. Except for the whole occasional dying thing.
When Kennedy died, she planned on staying dead. None of that coming back to life crap.
iii. Dead and Gone
Kennedy learned the "Slayer senses" from Buffy. Faith was never much for thinking much. She lived for the kill, not for the recon.
Buffy had a quirky sense of humour that Kennedy loved like no other and smiled about even while Buffy was beneath her, moaning, making no jokes. It amused Kennedy that she could so easily have a Slayer give into her so quickly. Especially while she was 'dating' that same Slayer's best friend.
But Buffy was dead now and long gone along with Faith and Xander and Anya...
But shockingly, not Dawn or Spike. Both still alive and amazingly healthy, in Dawn's case, and in Spike's case, amazingly well for a newly-souled vampire. Still fighting the good fight as much as they could back in California with Angel, as much as it surprised her.
iv. Birds of a Feather
Sometimes, Kennedy felt invincible and she wished she could tell the world, but knew she had to keep this secret.
Other times, Kennedy felt like she'd already been beaten, as if she'd died so long ago and she wanted to tell somebody then too, but the secret must remain a secret and she knows this. She hates these secrets that she must harbour until the end of days.
Birds of a feather, now and forever.
v. Through the Looking Glass
Tears for fears. It's the way of the world and who is she to deny it. She cries for everything bad that has ever happened and then some.
It's so silent and peaceful in the darkness where they fell.
Through the looking glass, her tears were invisible to all, but herself.
She sat there, isolated, from the world below and no matter how much any Slayer has ever tried, they were alone. In birth, life, and death.
Chosen and alone.
vi. Enrapture
There it was again. The magic.
She swore it was haunting her like guilt. But Kennedy had no guilt concerning magic. Only regrets, and that was because of Willow.
This sort of magic seemed different though; Kennedy was enraptured.
But still, somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it wasn't different. That if it was given a chance, the opportunity, to be Dark, it would grab a hold and squeeze it for all that it was worth.
vii. Tainted
Kennedy knew that accepting their offer was a bad idea. They depended on magic for the simplest of things and she could sense that, one day, it would destroy them and their kind. They had too much power.
Their intentions, now, may be good. But still they were tainted with magic.
But in the future, the power, would overcome the good intentions and it would be a riot in their world. So much for their beloved hero figures.
Footnotes of goodie-goodies gone bad in all the history books; just like Willow. Except Willow wasn't going to make the footnotes. Ending the world wasn't good enough for the footnotes, according to the rest of their world.
viii. Broken Hearts & Concrete Floors
She was meant to fight the demons and slay the vampires. Not to help lead an army of undertrained and underequipped witches and wizards as a last hope. All they had were their wands and hearts filled of hope and fear.
Kennedy was meant to fight with stakes and swords and axes and her quick Slayer instincts.
Not stand on the sidelines and command little boys that couldn't take her in a fight with or without her superstrength.
But that was how it was and there was no going back now.
She could feel the hearts filled of hope breaking around her before the battle even started. They knew of their tragic fate and couldn't find it in them to accept it. To die in a field of hatred and rage was too much for them to accept.
Broken hearts and concrete floors and there was nothing she could fight to make it stop.
She could see them tucking away pictures in their cloaks.
She could see their invisible tears and wondered if they could see hers as well.
Witches and wizards and their fairytale magic. Not even that could save them now.
The ones who would die -- their magic wouldn't have the chance to be tainted by the human weakness that craved the power.
Others would live and, over time, turn away from the cause that they fought so hard for now.
When it came down to it, in the end, it was about Power.
ix. Deeper Than Death
The battle broke out suddenly and they didn't suspect a thing until it had happened. Caught by surprise -- no warning for those against the forces of darkness.
Most who died, died because they weren't heroes and the weight of the world overcame them.
Slayers were the only true heroes. Everyone else just played the part, but when it came down to it, Slayer means hero and that's deeper than the death that hung thick in the air that day and night.
x. Fate At Fourteen
A lot of the warriors were so young. So young. Fate at fourteen and nothing could be done. It weighed heavy on her heart.
In some ways, it was a lot like Slayers only with a wand instead of super-strength.
In the end, it was about power and they were alone and it felt like drowning.
END // 28th to 29th Sept. '03 // girlflesh at livejournal dot com