Title: Love, Recollections.
Author: Jenny
Rating: G-ish.
Character(s): Tom Riddle
Summary: Tom Riddle POV on love.
Word Count: 200
This was written for a Drabble Challenge at
The Burrow. It is also part of my 'Recollections' drabble holding story based on subjects/words provided for me all about Tom Riddle. His 'recollections'.
"Tom.." my name leaves her mouth. I don't turn to look.
"Don't ignore me," she says, this time she grabs the back of my arm and spins me around. I look at her; my demons looking over to my angels. Her eyes hit me with so much of her emotion I am stood there, transfixed.
"Why? Tell me. Why?" she pleads. I say nothing. Her blonde hair sways as she shakes her head, as she poisons me with her eyes.. I will never forget those eyes.
"Is your heart so cold you can't even grant me one last wish? A reason? An excuse? You came to me. You told me.. you whispered to me; all those sweet nothings. I.. Tom, please," her arms are by her side now. I can only shift my arms away from her.
"Just tell me why, that's all I ask. I deserve that. I deserve that after all that time. I didn't think I'd fall in love with yo-" and then she looks up, giving me a cold stare. She gives one last cry of frustration and my demons confirm my decision.
My angels are gone.
I raise my arm, almost too quietly.
"Avada Kedavra!"