Title: Of Resistance and Legilimency Author: alisanne Pairing/Characters: Neville Longbottom, Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter. Word Count: 100 x 8 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for neville100's prompt #297: Legilimency. Warning(s)/Genre: Gen! Beta(s): sevfan and emynn. Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this
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Oh! I think I somehow only just realized that this is genfic, and thus I could share it here. Hurray, genfic! Canon-era Snape fic, very short.
Title: Undivided Author: starfishstar Rating: G Characters: Snape Summary: When his Dark Mark throbs for the first time in years, Severus is in his basement classroom, washing potions vials. Words: 450
Title: For Blood, For Family Characters: Lucius Malfoy Summary: Whatever confusion Lucius had at these words disappeared quickly enough as the talk turned to betrothal ceremonies and engagement announcements. He was to be married to one of the Black girls. Rating: PG Author's Notes Inspired by
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Title: Or Perhaps in Slytherin Disclaimer: No money is being made and no infringement is intended. Relationship: Gen; Slytherin friendships and networks. Rating: PG Summary: “You'll make your real friends." Words: 1261 A/N: Trigger Warning for a brief mention of suicide and canon typical violence and death. Read: LiveJournal || Dreamwidth ||
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Hello fellow genfic fans! I keep hoping for - and looking for - a Hermione community somewhere out there, a place where the focus is fully on Hermione herself, rather than as one half of a pairing, but there doesn't seem to be one. (Though if anyone can prove me wrong about that, I'd be thrilled
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Prompt claiming for the 2014 round of interhouse_fest is now open! With nearly 300 prompts to choose from, there are pairings and prompts for everyone. We'd love to have a wide variety of stories, so click on the banner for more information!
Title: Forget this Tapestry Author: starfishstar Rating: PG (for a small bit of swearing) Characters: Sirius, Andromeda Summary: "It’s really very strange being back here, after all this time," Andromeda says.