100 Super Junior Fic Challenge - 2/100Title: Cake (Prompt 52)
Pairing: Donghae/Sungmin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 607
Summary: Donghae likes the cookie because he's a man of simplicity. Perhaps that's why he doesn't understand Sungmin's fascination with the sophisticated cake.
Donghae by nature is an inquisitive man, always seeking answers to things peculiar or out of the ordinary. Some say it's the explanation to his rather odd interest in aliens, though most dismiss the interest to his quirky personality, which in itself is an entirely different story on its own.
Even though Donghae is inquisitive, he is also rather simplistic. He often wonders about things that don't directly apply to himself, but he never seeks to attain any of it for himself. The less complexity he has in his own life, the more room he has to wonder about other complex things in life.
It is these two facts coupled together that have Donghae asking why Sungmin likes cake so much. Donghae himself prefers cookies over cake; they both satisfy the sweet tooth, but cookies are much easier to make and can be eaten in smaller portions.
"But there's more creativity in making a cake," Sungmin had said once, when Donghae had asked him about it. And then Sungmin had proceeded in telling Donghae about how how you could put (pink) frosting on a cake, how the cake itself could be of a different color (pink), and how you could bake cakes for special occasions.
And this had caused Donghae to wonder what Sungmin's point had been, because (to his knowledge, at least) you could also put frosting on a cookie, you could also bake cookies for special occasions, and you could bake cookies in different colors.
Donghae didn't get around to baking a batch then, though, because he had to learn how to bake ("Sungmin, can you teach me how to bake? I can be like that girlfriend you guys sang about in that one song!"), let alone how to bake edible foods. And in the process he learns how tedious it is to bake a cake, which goes completely against his rules of simplicity.
But in the name of proving Sungmin wrong and figuring the man out, Donghae perseveres.
He makes several cookies. First he makes a blue fish, though he isn't really sure why; somehow, it just fascinates him. Then he makes a green alien, and just for fun he's made it waving a flag (colored to the Korean flag with frosting, of course). Then he makes human-shaped cookies which are supposed to represent Sungmin and him, though they don't really prove a point any since Donghae does nothing to them. And finally, Donghae makes a pink heart.
He hands these to Sungmin, and as he restates Sungmin's reasons for his preference of cake he holds up the counterexample-cookie. He starts off with the special occasion by holding the entire basket of cookies ("Disproving you is a special occasion, hush Sungmin"), then proceeds to hold up the alien for the frosting, and then the heart and the fish for the colored (sugar) cookies.
Naturally, Sungmin steals the heart and the fish from Donghae's hands before he's finished his argument.
"The heart because it's pink," Sungmin explains when Donghae asks him about it. "The fish, well, because he's cute. It's cute, I mean."
Afterwards, Sungmin brandishes a cake, in which "I ♥ Donghae: My girlfriend can now cook!" laces the top layer.
"Only because you brought up the bad-cook-girlfriend analogy," Sungmin says defensively at Donghae's quirked eyebrows.
And because Sungmin had only accepted a portion of Donghae's baked goods, Donghae only takes the part of the cake that says "I ♥ Donghae."
Many cookies and cakes later, Donghae's decides to toss simplicity and curiosity out the window, or at least in principle, because sometimes his cravings and interests go against these.
Like cakes.
Like Sungmin.
This isn't a same name pairing because someone forced me to write happier fluffy stuff, which I could never have accomplished with same name pairings. This isn't Kyumin,
lovingmydubu, but hell, this better be fluffy enough for you or I will never write fluffy stories again.
Incidentally, I wrote a fic of a similar theme (though not at ALL the same story) for another fandom in 2007 (I think) for Valentine's Day. If you're interested, you can find that story