Character Meme - Telesto

Feb 05, 2012 15:09

More with the catching up.

Everyone knows how this works yes? Also, I will happily do more of these should anyone request them. Still to come: Tybalt, Caelan, Rick, Dirk and Caliban ... I think that is all I currently have on the list (nudge me if you know of anyone I missed)

Tagged ages ago on Formspring and have actually had this complete for ages, I just never remember to post them. That said, lets get to it shall we?

“What am I? I don’t know anymore.”

I couldn’t comment on this one if I wanted to.

  1. Telesto’s favourite colour is red.
  2. It has probably been obvious by this point, however, it bears repeating, Tel is a little spoiled. Probably more so than Damon and Rein even.
  3. While he counts nearly everyone he has ever met among his friends, very few really know him. He is okay with this.
  4. He is much more intelligent than he likes to admit. Smart people tend to be less popular and above all he wants to be liked.
  5. In spite of being spoiled and generally well liked (tendency to get on others nerves aside) he has never felt like he fit in. It is a feeling, a sort of instinctive knowledge that even among other aliens he is not quite like them. He wouldn’t be able to tell you how or why, he wouldn’t even really be able to tell you he felt this way.
  6. His concept of personal space is extremely lacking. He tends to sit too close, stand too close and for those he is most comfortable with and who will allow it he is almost always in direct physical contact. (Imagine how much Ripp just hates being on the receiving end of this :P)
  7. As cocky as he is and for all his seeming confidence, he is easily hurt. He would never outright admit that is what he is feeling rather he responds to those hurts with anger and sarcasm (as seen in 5.1).
  8. Related to 7; the attitude and air of confidence is totally a front. He is just as insecure as anyone else. Possibly more so at times.
  9. He is frequently impulsive … to the point of stupidity. As much as the rest of this list might make it sound like he is more aware of his motivations and emotions than the average person, he isn’t. Once he gets an idea in his head he will purse it to its outcome with no further thought than the outcome and without ever stopping to consider what his true motivations are. In fact, if he does stop to think it often leads to anxiety and self-doubt (seen while talking to Juliette in 4.1), conditions he would rather avoid at all costs. He knows what he is feeling at the time and that is the ‘truth’ of the situation for him.
  10. This list would not be complete without some mention of Ripp, which is really difficult to do at this point, but: Ripp surprised him. On every level so far Ripp has surprised him; from the moment he first realized there was an attraction there on. Yet, in true Telesto fashion he has chosen to go with it and ‘to hell with the consequences’.

telesto, pleasantries, meme

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