It takes surprisingly little to get me to cave ... (High-res images and a surprise under the cut)

Oct 23, 2010 01:07

Like the mere suggestion that I should apparently. So, Halloween treats a little early!

Lets see:

Horns ....

Tail ....

Not much else ... definite

One adorable cutie having a totally surreal moment and hoping like hell he is not dreaming?

I believe that is a
poor Ripp.

Clicky for fullsize of 1280 x 1024

Of course once I got Tel all dressed up (err, undressed?) there HAD to be more.

Click for fullsize or 1280x1024 is here

Same deal as above, 1280 version here
Personally I think I prefer this angle but my resident Telesto fangirl (a.k.a my daughter) says the first one is better so you get both.

And finally, this one was made specifically with the self proclaimed "sick, sick, fangirl" in mind. Actually they all were since she sort of more or less planted the idea,  and then Mathew kind of said I should ... and well ... but umm, yeah, this one specifically ....

and of course you can click it for full version and get the 1280 here
Done with the pictures but not done yet!

If everyone would like to step on over to my dreamwidth, you will find your very last treat!

One fully decked out in Demon form Telesto Villega (yes Amo, complete with the eyes! You gotta download the skin though) available for download.


telesto, sharing, telesto and ripp, ripp, sims 2, pic spam, pleasantries

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