Dear Characters

Jun 28, 2011 02:03

I got a question on Formspring, one of the ones I had to think about for a bit before I could answer it.

I've thought about it.

You are writing letters to your characters. What do you say?
Answering this was actually kind of fun and I am so tempted to turn around ask the same of a few others. I might yet. In the mean time ...

Dear Lilith:

Thank you for being the grounding presence through out all of this while my plot lines run away with me.

Dear Winston:


Dear Anto:

It is worse than you think.

Dear Rick:

Yeah, he does.

Dear Justin:

… I don't even … You know what? Never mind, you'll figure it out.

Dear Tybalt:

You are ready.

Dear Ripp:

I'm sorry. Let it go.

Dear Telesto:

You aren't wrong!

Dear Caelan:

Do you really want to go there? Really, really?

Dear Dirk:

I really want to tell you to stop whining, but ... yeah. :(

Dear Buzz:

You know where it is and what you have to do. There is no other way.

Dear Adam:


Dear Angelo:

Fuck you.

A pack and a half you little bastard! When I get lung cancer I am blaming you. Further, I do NOT have a thing for white polos and black jeans and stop making leaning against a wall smoking look good! It is not good. It is bad!

Also, yes, you may look. No, you may not touch.

Yes, I tacked the CD crew on there too. GRRR! They have been on my mind the last little while.

formspring, pleasantries, chasing daylight

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