What's better than lots of free xp with a chance of good items and no risk? Not much... That's why I like ENMs. Even better when you can just duo them, like the boneyard gully one, or trio them like the mineshaft one. Technically the Monarc Linn uninvited guests is a quest and not an ENM but it's just as rewarding, and I had the record on it for 3 conquests straight now (and it's a popular BC). It's nice to think that all players who attempted it saw
this before entering.
I could solo but the reward and difficulty is the same for 1 or 2 people so no point going alone, especially since i need help farm the scale to reach monarc linn anyways, so I just go with whm and solo tank Tough Pyrodrakes for scales and just get a haste and a few cure3 while in BC.