Name/Nickname: Dani
Age: 18
Personal Journal:
hikari_ishtar Contact Info:
AIM: nejiallseer
Name: Neji Hyuuga
Age: 17, junior
PB Model: Bill Kaulitz
Position: An ex-client of the Host Club
Type If Applying for a Host: N/A
Sexual Preference: Partial to either, though he never approaches someone. They have to approach him.
The Hyuuga family relocated to America many years before Neji was born, but despite him having never even visited Japan, his parents drilled into him a strong sense of cultural pride from a very young age. This included learning both English and Japanese from birth, being taught a variety of traditional Japanese musical instruments, and snubbing ‘Americanized’ Japanese foods. His parents were somewhat disappointed that his first words were in English, but he was quite quick at learning to talk and read in both languages. They were pleased at this sign that he had likely inherited the renowned Hyuuga intelligence.
Although it was firmly established that only the family’s heir was to be privately tutored and trained in owning and managing a business, Neji’s father Hizashi risked their disapproval by insisting his son receive the same treatment. Ordinarily, siblings, cousins, or other such relatives of the heir would experience normal schooling in order to gain the communicative skills necessary for consultancy positions in the business, but Hizashi was certain that Neji could be capable of far more than just consultancy. When Hiashi, Neji’s uncle and head of the company, finally agreed, Neji was thrown into the lifestyle of a Hyuuga heir. He thrived instantly, finding he worked well under pressure, and as time went on he was classified as a genius, even by his family’s high standards.
He was praised often and given attention not only by his own parents, but by Hiashi as well. Having occasionally studied alongside his cousin Hinata, Neji noticed that she was hardly getting any attention herself, but still being young and extremely pleased with his own achievements, he didn’t really care. Despite being aware that she was the true family heiress, he was certain that the family would bestow him with the business instead. He was the genius; she was not.
Unfortunately, the reality of his situation became clear to him when he was thirteen. His father was violently assaulted by three men on the street and later died in hospital of internal injuries. The Hyuugas gave him an expensive funeral and grieved for an appropriate period of time - which, in their world, was for as long as it took to refill his position at the company - but for Neji, that was not enough. Throughout all of his education he had learned that emotions were the enemy of success, but Hizashi had died, and Hiashi barely seemed to have noticed. This infuriated Neji, and a month after the funeral he snapped at his uncle, “He was better at managing this business than you are. If it had been you that died, it would have been for the good of the company.”
This put Neji instantly out of Hiashi’s favouritism. He demanded that Neji’s mother get rid of Neji’s tutors and immediately send him to a school, and without her confident husband to argue, she agreed. Neji understood now that he could never be the heir to the Hyuuga business, no matter how inadequate Hinata’s skills were. He became extremely bitter towards her, and the entire family.
Going to school was a thoroughly unpleasant transition, mainly because he wasn’t used to feeling so crowded all the time. It took him a long time to forge friendships since he wasn’t used to social interaction, and when he did, he was still somewhat distant and blunt with his friends. He deliberately avoided anything even vaguely business-related in the way of school activities, instead aiming to develop himself more artistically and physically. He was still adept at Japanese instruments, particularly the koto, and could sight-read almost any piece of music. He had little interest in most sports but discovered he had a very keen eye for archery. He cultivated this talent, which has since won him several trophies, and gotten him noticed by several school pupils. They saw his talent, and admired him for it, much like his family had admired his intelligence. He began to crave that admiration, and it became more of an incentive to succeed even than his own sense of achievement.
Finally, to Neji’s chagrin, Hiashi Hyuuga announced that Hinata would be attending high school the following year, and that Sinclair Academy was the only place befitting of a true Hyuuga. This comment, of course, made Neji’s mother decide that transferring her son there too would be the best thing for him, so he was forced yet again to make a transition. At Sinclair, he saw more of Hinata than he had since his father had died, and he realised his bitterness toward her had faded considerably. That was one of many factors that made this transition far easier than the last.
He discovered the Host Club almost immediately upon arrival at the Academy, and found that visiting it provided him with the same feeling of being admired that he had grown to desire at his previous school. He became a very frequent client, not bothered by the fact that the hosts only worshipped him because he paid for it. Until, of course, he spotted Hinata working as a host. He was appalled. Attending was one thing, but working there was akin to prostitution! A Hyuuga did not belong there. Since then, he has never paid another visit to the Host Club, but he has found it extremely difficult giving up the treatment he received there.
Having had long hair himself, Neji’s father always encouraged him to grow it well past his shoulders. Despite his mother’s occasional complaints that it doesn’t suit him, Neji has never considered cutting it. He has a predominantly Asian appearance, even though his mother is only half-Japanese and half-American, and his features look very like those of many other Hyuugas, but he is taller now than most members of his family. He has little cardiovascular fitness and endurance, but well-defined muscle groups, particularly in his arms. Smirks come to him more easily than smiles, but more often than not, one will only be able to judge his expression by a subtle raising of an eyebrow or narrowing of the eyes.
Sample RP
Third Person
His shoulder was bothering him, after neglecting his exercises in favour of just a few more minutes of study yet again. The muscles had seized up badly, the same way they always did when he did archery without any warming up beforehand. If he wasn’t more careful, he could cause himself some serious damage, and perhaps it would harm his upper back, too. Well, that was the warning for next time. This time, like all the others, he would just have to wait a day or two for the muscles to relax themselves.
Perhaps I should get one of the hosts to assist in my relaxation -
He shook the thought as soon as it appeared. Preposterous. He had no intention of ever going back there. However, it had been barely three weeks since he had stopped attending, so he had hardly forgotten the Host Club’s appeal already. It would have been ideal for a situation like this: someone staring at him with admiring eyes, complimenting his most recent award, with a light brush of a hand on his shoulder to keep it from being tense. Then being served soothing tea while the host smiles, happy to have pleased him, then listening to him talk about whatever he pleased…
Yes, ideal.
Of course, he wasn’t going to go. He wasn’t weak-willed; any kind of pressure only made him more determined, and he was determined not to be a part of something that objectified his family. The Host Club was not an addiction impossible to overcome.
First person
It occurred to me today that it must be incredibly rare to find someone with both a good family and brains. Really, this school should be more selective about its students. This morning one of those fools who sit in the back corner of every class - note that this particular person is older than I am, yet the idiot is the only fitting name I have for him - pulled out a cigarette, in the classroom. The teacher wasn’t in the room at the time, but it would not have surprised me in the least if the idiot had done the same thing either way. The smell was inescapably obvious, so despite the cigarette being hidden by the time the teacher returned, there was no doubt what had happened in her absence.
Perhaps the idiot had expected more loyalty from the people surrounding him, but nobody had any hesitation in pointing the finger. I certainly had no sympathy for him - smoking is atrocious and juvenile. I hope Sinclair’s policy on punishing stupidity is harsh.
And, just for fun...give us three quirky, interesting facts about your character not mentioned in your application.
1. He is an avid admirer of magic tricks and sleight of hand.
2. He has the uncanny ability to rip a piece of paper perfectly straight without ruling or folding it first.
3. He has read the entire Old and New Testament despite having no particular interest in religion.