This is all your fault Artsyone LOL.(okay fine so its my curiousity's hehehe)

Apr 13, 2006 22:43

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 weird things/habits about yourself. Then, pick 8 friends to tag and list their names.

1. I can never keep my attention when anything shiny is around. Im almost like a magnet to anything thats shiny, if it shines then I just drift towards it. I just plain like shiny things!

2. I cant ever leave a pet alone, if they are lost, Ill pick them up and try and find there homes, even if it takes hours, if I cant find it then I usually cry as they are taken away by animal control. Same goes for when Im walking down the street if I see a dog or cat, I have to pet it. Cant help myself. LOL Im more like to say hi to an animal first then the owner.

3. When I go walking, I have to read a book, Ive been almost hit by cars a couple times, but more often then not lol I walk into parked cars when I forget to look up every 5 to 10 paces to check where I am.

4. LOL Another obsession of mine. Im obsessed with icecubes, if Im at home, I almost always have a glass of icecubes, sometimes but mostly not, with water.

5. People have been known to think that I have an english accent because I sound so prim and proper when people first start to talk to me. I get nervous and go into ultra polite mode.

6. Im horrible about making decisions, Im always afraid Ill offend someone by what I say, or decide to do. Or that Ill be a dissapointment to them, there by being a dissapointment to myself because I hate to dissapoint people. (vicious circle isnt it?)

7. My dream for when I die, or before I die, as Ive stated before is to dance on the Aurora. Its one of my goals for life and beyond.

8. (wow I cant believe I actually thought of this many...haha go figure now Im having trouble with the last) Im a collector, it breaks my heart to even think of throwing away something someone gave me, even if it was given years before, and I dont talk to them anymore. If I cant remember who gave ti to me or if I bought it, I keep it just in case. Material things dont feel material to me a lot of the time because I always feel they were given to me, so it is what connects me to them. And Im afraid to loose connections and friends.

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