ATWT - end of show spoilers

Jun 28, 2010 08:44

Carting over, with some amendments, a comment I left on natashaodwalla 's journal, about the rumored ending for Nuke on ATWT come September.

My Nuke fandom is pretty much confined to the l_n comm, so I hadn't known about these spoilers (I don't really seek out spoilers but I don't mind knowing). When I read Tasha's post, I spent around 15 seconds thinking "Fuck them!". Then I thought about how it was not that long ago when people - including the soap press - were talking about Luke/Reid walking off into the sunset together. And if THAT was ever on the books, I'd take this in a heartbeat. Noah is ALIVE and THERE with Luke. Whether or not we get an on-screen reunion, they're both there, in love in each other and in the right places in their lives to be together. They don't have to even show it because we will know it with absolute certainty.

Honestly, NOTHING I have seen in canon casts even a microscopic bit of doubt on the truism that "Luke Snyder will always be in love with Noah Mayer". Seriously, NOTHING, not even the recent fuckery with the "triangle".

I think it was Tasha who once said on (I used to lurk there before certain elements sent me running for the hills) that this is really Luke's story. And I can agree with that in that it is Luke who is placed in the center of the drama. And if this is Luke's story, then we have the "hero's journey" conceit. So far, Luke's romantic journey has been 2 years+ with Noah, a few months in limbo, maybe a few weeks with Reid and then, at journey's end, it's Noah who will be there. That to me is SO significant. He starts the rest of his life - his ever after - with the person that is there with him at the end of his journey.

So, IDK. I weigh 3 years of Nuke and ALL OF THEIR FUTURE BEFORE THEM against a few weeks of Luke/not-Noah and an implied rather than explicit reunion. And you know what? I'm not just resigned or accepting. I am HOPEFUL.

And whatever the writers don't give us, we will fix with fic. Post-canon Nuke is so rich with possibilities; they're both alive, for one thing :).
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