If the above is the case then why am I in such an upbeat mood? The weekend was fun and I enjoyed the penultimate moments of the ‘ling game by colonel_maxim. Shame that a mixture if external and internal game issues have cause that one to fold. At least when I say fold I mean that the guy has had enough. I suspect that there may be more going on that is unspoken though. Either way, it’s a bit cack when the only game I get to play in (Neverwhere excluded due to its nascent state) is being wound down. Somehow I can’t see anyone wanting to try and fill the colonel’s shoes. So that’ll be another Saturday a month I reclaim to the tedium of laundry.
Alternatively… It could be fun running a UKM game before a Cam Requiem game. Watch as they twist and turn, as the old feuds spill out into sniping and far too much black make up gets worn by people, who, really should know better. That said isn’t the London market a tad glutted at the moment? So perhaps I’ll call the whole thing off and have a quiet TTG in some dusty hidey hole with a few reprobates and the old mainstay, alcohol.
So the weekend came and went along with HW’s folks. Probably not a good idea staying up till 3 on Saturday morning drinking with HW’s dad. I have to say I was fine at around 8 when I arose, however the in-law looked like something out of the Black Lagoon when he surfaced a round 10.30/ 11 on the Saturday morning. They all wandered off to Greenwich and had a look around at the Naval College and I scooted in to do my bit up in town. All of us meeting up at the Crown in Blackheath before grabbing some supper at and Indian on the common. The walk back was absolutely essential though, and the night sky suitably clear, with a very tiny sliver of moon illuminating quite nicely the entire evening.
So what joys does a Monday bring, well apparently someone (probably my boss) thought it would be a great idea to stick my photo in the “in house” magazine along with some pointless dribbling about what the department does. More worryingly of course is that some cunning bugger decided to mail a copy to my company. Apparently now, they would like me and a few others to go up to the head office and meet someone…
So Monday and all is well, catch you all later, some of you sooner than normal. The hunting of the Amberites begins in earnest on the morrow and hopefully I should have them all topped and tailed by sometime after Easter.