I put this behind a cut in case you don't want to see.
My two favorite things that I love to eat but can't. Boo.
I'm almost positive my parents are teasing me ;) I love these but there filled with sugar.
Can I tell how much I used to leave to eat junk cereal?? Not anymore, sadly.
I LOVE FRUIT GUSHERS!! Anyone wanna buy 'em from me??
We have like 10 boxes of pies and i can't eat one.
Aside from water, this is what i've been drinking. Sugarless lemonade, i know you think blech but it's very good. Ignore the Jim Beam in the background, boy am I gonna get crap for that.
My favorite Cereal **tear**
If your wondering whats up with the Captain Crunch background, it's a song that is now Chrissie and my favorite well iono about Chrissie but definitely mine.