This gets said a lot but it's been ages since the last post so a bunch of stuff has happened but I'll do my best to keep it to the least boring
stuff XD;;;
1) Family came up to visit from Melbourne and we spent the weekend at Arlie Beach. It was really great to see them all again and to chat and catch up and just bum around. We went scuba-diving and ate ridiculous amounts of food, more food than five human should ever consume in a single weekend. I swear I felt full for half the week after that.
2) Bought a motorcycle =D Most already know this I think but worth mentioning because seriously, I'm in love with it to the point where just the thought of not being able to ride it for 2 weeks is making me a little sad. For those who do not know, it is a Kawasaki Ninja 650RL, black, sexy and now slightly scarred.
3) I dropped said motorcycle, which makes me very sad when I see the scratches on the shiny new paint.
4) Work has been ridiculously crazy with a bunch of projects coming in at once and with more in the tendering process. There is too much work and not enough people to do it. Which is why I'm in Biloela at the moment, about 1.5 hrs south-east of Rockhampton or about 5-6 hours from Mackay. Going to be here for 10-14 days drilling =D;;;;
5) Need to get working on my grad report submission so I can actually do my graduation and get that piece of paper ASAP. Speaking on which, my probation period finished on Friday but because work has been so busy there hasn't been enough time to do my performance review. I pretty sure everything is fine and that I will get another contract to sign pretty soon but obviously nothing is official until pen goes to paper.
6) Went to my first coal mine job last week for a couple of days and met some really awesome drillers. We drank way too much and had a few scotches (OMG NO ONE HERE DRINKS SCOTCH) which made me really homesick that night. Luckily since everyone here wakes at like 5am we stopped drinking at 9pm and everyone went to bed. Meaning I was sober at7am when I got to the mine site for work.
Life goes on =) I found out that the office shuts down for a 2-3 weeks around Christmas and New Years. So after the boys come up for a visit, I'll probably fly down to Melbourne with them on the 2nd of Jan or shortly there after. SO PARTY TIME, will organise something closer to the date because I don't even know when my time off is yet but it will happen =D