Title: Lunchrooms Are Alike All Over
Author: Geonn
Rating: G
Pairings: Janet/Teal'c
Category: Pre-relationship/Friendship
Series: First story in the
When Every Fairy Tale Comes Real series.
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: None
Notes: I was asked to repost this so that
sg_fignewton could recommend it in a group. All it required from me was a modicum of work, and I would hopefully get feedback! Works for me. I also decided to post because this was originally written in 2004, and I've gotten a lot of new friends since then. This story is gen, and standalone, but it serves as a jumping-off point for a longer, Janet/Teal'c series that I'm still pretty proud of. Enjoy!
Summary: Time heals all wounds, words will never hurt me, and other lies our mothers told us.
Janet agonized over picking her dessert. Chocolate, today, or pie? Or chocolate pie? She smiled as she scanned the selections, about to make her choice when she heard Airman Devens' distinctive voice. "Crap. Let's just eat later."
"What's up?" said Lieutenant Davidov, whom Janet recognized only after she turned to eavesdrop.
Devens nodded across the room. "The only spare table is with the Jaffa. I'm not eatin' with him. C'mon, I got some potato chips in my quarters to tide us over until he's left."
Janet turned and saw that Teal'c was indeed sitting alone at the only table with available seats. The rest of SG-1 was stuck in decontamination, following a particularly nasty world that involved ooze of some kind. She couldn't wait for that debrief... It dawned on her that she only ever saw Teal'c in the company of another member of SG-1. She felt guilty, then angry at Airman Devens' words. She flashed back immediately to fifth grade. Memories of Mary-Kate Lucas and Teresa Farmer flooded her mind's eye. And, in an instant, she was ten-years-old again...
"Eww, let's sit somewhere else. Janet Fraiser is sitting here."
"Did you see her dress today?"
"Yeah, it looked like something my mom would throw out."
"Hey, maybe it is. Maybe Janet's mom shops at Goodwill!"
"Hey, Janet! Does you mom shop at Goodwill? Or does your dad just dig in the trash?"
She pressed her lips together, determined not to get teary over a twenty-five-year-old insult. She picked up her tray and crossed the cafeteria, noticing for the first time that people were subtly leaning away from Teal'c's table. They glanced up as she walked by, a couple scooted over so she'd have room to squeeze in next to them. She ignored them. When she reached Teal'c's table, she stopped and waited until he looked up.
"Hi," she said, smiling brightly. "May I sit here?"
"There appear to be no other seats in the cafeteria," he pointed out, quickly scanning the room.
"So... you don't mind?"
He motioned for her to sit and she took the invitation. A couple of people were looking at her, but she ignored them. She set her tray down, centered it in front of her, then smiled at Teal'c. "So... how has your day been?"
Teal'c stared at her.
"This is called small talk," she said.
"Indeed. Colonel O'Neill has explained the concept to me."
She nodded.
"My day has been... fruitful."
"I heard about the ooze planet."
He smiled slightly. "Colonel O'Neill referred to it as a 'snotball.'"
Janet wrinkled her nose and leaned forward. "I bet Sam loved that..."
"Major Carter did not," he said, but recognized the sarcasm in her voice. "In fact..." He hesitated.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"It would take a long time to explain."
Janet shrugged. "We have an entire lunch."
He looked down at his tray, then smiled at her. "It would appear so."
"Sooo," she prompted.
He hesitated again, then began to speak. "Upon arrival, Colonel O'Neill was not silent about his distaste for the world..."
Janet ate. Teal'c spoke. She laughed and he smiled. Occasionally, others in the cafeteria would turn to look at them. Neither cared very much at all what the rest of the cafeteria thought.