Nervous Habits: Biting my lip, tapping my fingers, lots of things
Are you double jointed?: i dont know, dont think so
Can you roll your tongue?: better believe it
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: positive
Can you blow spit bubbles?: as a last resort
Can you cross your eyes?: ohhh, my favorite
Tattoos?: nahh maybe in the future, maybe
Any Body piercings on your stomach or below?: no, thank god
Do you make your bed daily?: Almost never
Which shoe goes on first?: Left, definitely left
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: like 2 million times
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: proabaly an even 10 smackers
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: My friendship ring, thats it
Favorite Pieces of Clothing: My mad comfortable speed stick like under armor stuff
Pajamas: Don't own any
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Both, a mixture
Have you ever eaten Spam?: No, and dont plan on it
Favourite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla, Black Rasperry, Cookie Dough
How many cereals in your cabinet?: Not enough
What's your favourite beverage?: Soda, lemonade
What's your favorite restaurant?: Whew, probably wendy's
Do you cook?: Are you joking?
How often do you brush your teeth?: Once a day, i always forget.
How often do you shower/bathe?: Daily
Hair drying method: Violent towel sort of thing.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Oh man, mistake #1
Do you paint your nails?: Nope
Do you swear?: Sometimes, but i try not to
Do you ever spit?: Horrible habit
Animal: Geeze, probably dogs? Who knows.
Food: Linguini with peas son!
Month: October, February
Day: Saturdays, nothing to do, nothing to see
Shoe Brand: ES i guess, maybe vans
Subject in school: Math
Color: Gray, Black
Sport: Official-Basketball Unofficial-Skateboarding
TV show: Ughh, MXC
Looking Male Celeb: Celebs are like robots
Thing To Do in Spring: Like swing set man, and thaw out my board
Thing To Do In The Summer: Defintiely skate, stay up all night, prank
Thing To Do In Autumn: Rake leaves, enjoy
Thing To Do In The Winter: Stay in, run around with no shoes
The CD Player: Wiretap scars, for like ever
Person you talk most on the phone with: Don't talk on the phone, but if i had to answer, i'd go with maybe bill or jeff? I'm pathetic
Ever taken a cab?: No
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? No, i'd rather look at other people
What color is your bedroom?: Pistachio straight up!!
Do you use an alarm clock?: Unfortunately
Window seat or aisle?: Window seat all the way
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position?: Right side down
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Hot weather = sheet
Do you snore?: Nahh
Do you sleepwalk?: Nope
Do you talk in your sleep?: Don't we all?
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: Ha, no i don't
How about with the light on?: Negative again
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Only if there's something i really want to watch, then fall asleep.
I took this survey from knox but he filled it out on my birthday so its ok