Books I've Read
*=Favorite #=I hated it ~=read in Latin
Adler, Mortimer- How to Read a Book
Alighieri, Dante- Inferno*
Austen, Jane- Pride and Prejudice
Austen, Jane- Persuasion
Blackmore, R.D.- Lorna Doone*
Bronte, Charlotte- Jane Eyre*
Bronte, Emily- Wuthering Heights*
Bulfinch, Thomas- Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology: The Age of Fable*
Bunyan, John- Pilgrim's Progress
Burke, Edmund- A Philosophical Inquiry into the Sublime and the Beautiful
Cantor, Norman- In the Wake of the Plague
Cather, Willa- My Antonia*
Cather, Willa- O Pioneers*
Cather, Willa- Coming, Aphrodite!*
Carson, Rachel- Silent Spring
Defoe, Daniel- Robinson Crusoe
Demos, John Putnam- The Unredeemed Captive#
Diamond, Jared- Guns, Germs and Steel
Diamond, Jared- Collapse
Dickens, Charles- A Tale of Two Cities*
Dickens, Charles- A Christmas Carol
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan- The Hound of the Baskervilles*
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes*
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan- The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes*
Epictetus- Enchiridion*
Emerson, Ralph Waldo- Fate
Faulkner, William- As I Lay Dying*
Fitzgerald, F. Scott- The Great Gatsby*
Frankl, Viktor E.- Man's Search For Meaning
Freud- Civilization and its Discontents
Gardner, John- Grendel
Goethe- Faust pt.1
Harvey, Robert- Cochrane: The Life and Exploits of a Fighting Captain
Hendricks, Bonnie- International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds
Helprin, Mark- Winter's Tale*
Homer- The Odyssey
Homer- The Iliad
Horwitz, Tony- Confederates in the Attic
Hurston, Zora Neale- Their Eyes Were Watching God*
Ibsen, Henrik- An Enemy of the People*
Kierkegaard, Soren- The Sickness Unto Death*
Kipling, Rudyard- The Jungle Book*
Knowles, John- A Separate Peace#
Larson, Erik- The Devil in the White City
Lee, Harper- To Kill a Mockingbird*
Leopold, Aldo- A Sand County Almanac
Lewis, C.S.- Out of the Silent Planet
Lewis, C.S.- Perelandra
Lewis, C.S.- Til We Have Faces*
Lewis, C.S- The Chronicles of Narnia*
London, Jack- The Call of the Wild
MacDonald, George- The Complete Fairy Tales*
Machiavelli, Niccolo- The Prince*
Maclean, Norman- Young Men and Fire*
Madison, James; Jay, John; Hamilton, Alexander- The Federalist Papers
Manchester, William- A World Lit Only By Fire
Marx, Karl- The Communist Manifesto
McEwan, Ian- Atonement
Melville, Herman- Bartleby/Benito Cereno
Miller, Arthur- The Crucible
Miller, Nathan- Broadsides: The Age of Fighting Sail, 1775-1815
Mitchell, Margaret- Gone With The Wind
Nicholi, Armand M.- The Question of God
O'Brien, Patrick- Master and Commander*
Oates, Joyce Carol- Them#
Orwell, George- Animal Farm
Prevost, Abbe- Manon Lescaut
Pinker, Steven- The Blank Slate
Plato- Apology*
Plato- Symposium*
Raban, Jonathan- Bad Land*
Rostand, Edmond- Cyrano De Bergerac*
Rowling, J.K.- The Philosophers Stone*
Rowling, J.K.- The Chamber of Secrets*
Rowling, J.K.- The Prisoner of Azkaban*
Rowling, J.K.- The Goblet of Fire*
Salinger, J.D.- The Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare, William- Macbeth*
Shakespeare- Richard III
Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare- Henry VI part 1
Shakespeare- The Tempest*
Shaw, George Bernard- Man and Superman
Spyri, Johanna- Heidi
Smith, Betty- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn*
Steinbeck, John- East of Eden*
Steinbeck, John- The Grapes of Wrath*
Stevenson, Robert Lewis- David Balfour
Stevenson, Robert Lewis- Kidnapped*
Stevenson, Robert Lewis- Treasure Island
Styron, William- A Tidewater Morning*
Thackeray, William Makepeace- Vanity Fair
Tolkien, J.R.R.- The Hobbit
Tolkien, J.R.R.- The Lord of the Rings*
Tolkien, J.R.R.- The Silmarillion
Tolstoy, Leo- The Death of Ivan Ilich
Tolstoy, Leo- Anna Karenina*
Turner, Frederick Jackson- The Frontier in American History
Twain, Mark- Huckleberry Finn
Undset, Sigrid- Kristin Lavransdatter: The Bridal Wreath*
Undset, Sigrid- Kristin Lavransdatter: The Mistress of Husaby
Walton, Anthony- Mississippi
Waugh, Evelyn- Brideshead Revisited
Williams, Tennessee- The Night of the Iguana
Wyss, Johann- The Swiss Family Robinson
Voltaire- Candide*
Zola, Emile- Germinal
Snippets- books partially read/unfinished
Beauvoir- The Second Sex
Caesar, Julius- The Civil War~
Dillard, Annie- A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek*
Eutropius- Breviarium~
Ferguson, Niall- Colossus
Freyfofle, Eric- Bounded People, Boundless Lands
Hegel- The Philosophy of History
James, William- The Varieties of Religious Experience
Kierkegaard- Either/Or
Lewis, C.S.- Mere Christianity
Mycio, Mary- Wormwood Forest*
Nietzsche- Beyond Good and Evil
Ortega y Gasset, Jose- The Revolt of the Masses
Ovid- Metamorphoses~
Pascal, Blaise- Pensees*
Patronius- Satyricon#
Somerset, W. Maugham- Of Human Bondage
St. John of the Cross- Dark Night of the Soul
Undset, Sigrid- Kristin Lavransdatter: The Cross
Voltaire- Philosophical Dictionary
Weiner, Johnathan- The Beak of the Finch
Wilson, Edward O.- The Diversity of Life
Favorite Poets
Auden, W.H.
Berry, Wendell
Blake, William
Eliot, T.S.
Keats, John
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
MacEwen, Gwendolyn
Pope, Alexander
Yeats, W.B.