(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 15:14

ugh. i have so many things to write about but my head is too full so i cant compress it.
or squeeze anything out. you know what i mean. i cant find the right word.
my mother in law is driving me insane.

Months ago it was decided that my parents would be coming here for Thanksgiving this year, and that for Christmas Charles parents would come here. Well, a couple weeks ago his mother called asking to switch, so i said yea yea thats fine my mom is not picky. So we switched.
Now two days ago she called and starts talking about how she would much rather we come there. 10 hours away. us-3 kids one who wont sleep more than 3 hours at a time no matter what, them-rich people who could fly. alone. childless.
So i kindly put it out there that I was hosting thanksgiving here, inviting my family also and my sister in law as well as she and Father in law.
She said oh thats fine then if you want to do it there. I did, so yeah.
Then the next day i get an email saying , joy thats a no go, sorry Tim (father in law) says he is not coming up there and you guys really need to come here. So of course i call them back and say ugh whats going on, she said she didnt want to leave her father alone on thanksgiving and that they would pay for us to rent a huge van so driving is easier on us.
I told her i would talk to charles and call her back. So i did.
we decided its stupid for us to go there because :
a. i love to cook, i am good at cooking, i live for cooking. his mother does not cook, she has caterers called in.
b. we have 3 kids see above about baby who will not sleep and who still nurses in the nightime.
c. his parents arent offering to get us a hotel, which means we would (all 5 of us) be sharing a king sized bed and a twin bed. the king sized is fine for me and the baby and charles, but gwen and esme wont sleep on the twin because its not big enough and its like 6 feet off the ground and they both toss and turn in thier sleep. im too poor to get ahotel for 3 or 4 nights.
d. His parents house is one of those houses where the kids cant carry drinks around or touch anything. I want to HAVE FUN on my holiday thank you, i dont want to chase my kids around all stressed out because if i dont catch them before they knock into something father in law will have a "talk" with them.

and there are plenty more reasons.
anyway we called them back yesterday and told them all of this, they said well we are offering you so much money to come down here. we said, no you are paying for our costs to come down there. and thats a bribe.
we have been having really rough times and the last thing i want is to fucking spend 2 days in a car with 3 little kids and a man i am not fond of at the moment.
anyway at the end of yesterday afternoon his mother said they had no issue with coming here instead and that would be just fine.
today at 11 am i got an email from her saying :

Joy, We're very disappointed that you won't be coming here for thanksgiving.
After thinking about it, I don't think we'll be coming there either.
its not worth it to come for just a day or two.
We were happy to rent a van for you. I don't
know what more we could do. Sorry it didn't work out. Mary

so its not worth it for YOU. who has money and time and no kids and no job.... to come up to see family for thankgiving, but its ok and worth it for us, who have full time school and work, and children to drive down there spend 2 days in a car just to go have thanksgiving somewhere we didnt want to be at all?

do i sound crazy? am i crazy?
i feel crazy.
i dont want to be a bitch daughter in law.
i am a nice person.
but im starting to grow claws. its been almost 4 years since i first started deaing with his parents. and its finally getting to me. we do whatever they want, whenever they want, always.
i am about to bust people in the face and if it werent for the girls i would seriously call her ass and say fine, you nutjob, stay home on thanksgiving and eat your pies alone. We will be up here with my parents and your daughter being `happy and thankful on thanksgiving.

seriously friendslist, do i have to give in AGAIN?
what if it comes down to it and they dont show up on thanksgiving?
i will just feel like ahorrible mother if its just the girls and charles and i on that day. his sister and my parents are still "maybe" able to get the days off. his parents are the only ones who have the week off and know it for sure.
so its possible.
i just feel like i am trapped with no way out. i hate this crap. i want to make food and be relaxed. and not drive to fucking jupiter.

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