OOC; storylines

Jan 24, 2011 00:30

Kay: Gertie's concerned with fixing everybody, but this person gets the brunt of that. She's willing to do absolutely anything for them- but not necessarily anything they ask. How does that work? Well, in Gertie's mind, what her Kay wants is not necessarily what her Kay needs. (Holden Weiss, pinfeathered)

The Queen: Gertie's biggest rival. These two spend a good deal of energy trying to outdo, humiliate, or otherwise trouble the other, and they're both pretty good at it. They might also be fighting for influence over Gertie's Kay. (As with Kay, I'm open as to whether this should be the actual reincarnated Snow Queen or not. One female slot.)

The Troll Mirror: A bad influence; this person (or these people; multiple spots!) brings out the worst in Gertie. They're probably great friends, and Gertie tends to get into a whole hell of a lot of trouble with them, but she refuses to stop hanging out. (One female slot)

The Robber Girl: Another friend, only this time it's one who actually helps Gertie rather than gets her into trouble. Every girl needs someone to have her back, right? (Karisma Singh, tinkerbelling)

The Raven: A romantic entanglement that had a tragic end. The current relationship is negotiable, though Gertie is probably still intent on 'fixing' the Raven for whatever reason. (One male slot)

The Sled: Gertie's oldest friend, the Sled is a reliable source of entertainment and fun- but also steady support when she really needs it. The relationship is almost familial- she's certainly closer to him than she is to any of her actual siblings- with all the relentless mocking that that implies, as well as the affection. (Christian Pascal, gaddingabout)

Bae: ...description to come when I'm not falling asleep on my feet. (Bob Trowbridge, getoffmybridge)

The Lapps: Every girl needs her group with which to go wild; this is Gertie's extended group of female friends. Not as close as the Troll Mirror or the Robber Girl, but, as Gertie herself would say, 'totally important!' (Multiple Female slots)

The Finns: Gertie likes boys. This should come as no surprise. She likes to be friends with them nearly as much as she likes to flirt with them; it goes without saying, then, that nearly all of her non-romantic relationships with men her own age have a certain element of flirtation to them. That's how she likes it. (Multiple Male slots)
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