I thought members of this community might have the knowledge to help me. I'm trying to translate some Scheine from my study abroad and am running into trouble with some academic terminology
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For me "Uebung" generally refers to an exercise or applied practice of sorts, I've never heard it used as "seminar", the closest I found at my favorite dictionary was in reference to lab work. "Proseminar" sounds strictly professional and "Seminar" is just a seminar.
I've always thought of Landeskunde as "Area Studies", but according to my fave. dict, it's "Applied Geography" so Historical Applied Geography. According to my dictionary the entry Hilfswissenchaft is "ancillary science".
Referat was always used to refer to a report of sorts. "Hausarbiet" seems like it might be a direct translation of the English word "homework" and Klausur is a written exam. Usually I've heard the term "Hausaufgab" for homework though.
To check, use the Leo Dictionary. It's one of the best dictionaries that I've found for German-English.
Proseminar from what i remember was what they called a seminar where everyone was involved, such as a language class so generally a small class where the teacher and students interact, in contrast to a Vorlesung which is a lecture where the lecturer just speaks and the students listen. I think a seminar is in the middle, probably a larger class but more student involvement.
Referat is a spoken presentation or oral. And as said above, Hausarbeit is homework and Klausur is a written exam.
Not really sure about the rest, but Übung is practice, or an exercise.
well in your case übung is definitely an exercise and I would translate Hausarbeit as some kind of long term homework, mainly for students at university not for school kids. the other stuff is already translated adequate...
Comments 3
I've always thought of Landeskunde as "Area Studies", but according to my fave. dict, it's "Applied Geography" so Historical Applied Geography. According to my dictionary the entry Hilfswissenchaft is "ancillary science".
Referat was always used to refer to a report of sorts. "Hausarbiet" seems like it might be a direct translation of the English word "homework" and Klausur is a written exam. Usually I've heard the term "Hausaufgab" for homework though.
To check, use the Leo Dictionary. It's one of the best dictionaries that I've found for German-English.
Referat is a spoken presentation or oral. And as said above, Hausarbeit is homework and Klausur is a written exam.
Not really sure about the rest, but Übung is practice, or an exercise.
This is a good online German-English dictionarz http://www.dict.cc/ and this one isn't bad either http://www.student-online.net/dictionary.shtml
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