I recently watched a
video on youtube in response to the claim by religion (i/e conservative Christians) that 'you can't trust science.' It points out all the great things science has done for us, and that religion has not progressed mankind at all
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Comments 23
I don't believe in a god, but I can't help but feel there's something "running the show". Our universe is just so amazing, it's hard to think of it all as just one big coincidence. I like your last paragraph. I consider myself some form of agnostic (I guess I don't put much thought into it). Rather than a god or some supreme being I think of it as an energy that connects us all, some form of reincarnation maybe? (Like the lifestream from FF7 lol.)
Sorry, I'm not good with words and have a hard time voicing my thoughts, just letting you know I agree with you for the most part. The older I get the less I can relate to people who are highly religious. I just don't understand how they can so quickly dismiss something like evolution. It just seems so ignorant to me, like they don't want to learn and therefore come off as, well, uneducated, imo. But to each their own.
It's funny, now that we have computers, we have the image of God as the programmer. Back in the old days, God was a watchmaker. I wonder what God will be likened to in the future, perhaps a second life server?
I'm going to quote lady_gray below as she can write better than I ever could and this is pretty much how I feel:
"I don't think that belief in God gives us anything greater. What could possibly be greater than the profound and breathtaking complexity of the universe itself? The more I learn through science, the less I find I need spirituality to feel wonder, joy and hope."
It really works both ways.
I have to be honest when I say that I was not pleased in the least with this post. I feel like generalizations have been made here about religion and atheism.
Science has been "stuck in the middle" for a long, long, loooong time. I'd even say it's been the heart of the debate since the beginning.
Dawkins does for biology what Stephen Hawking does for astrophysics: he tries to use layman's terms to explain complex theories so that they can be understood easily by people who are not scientists or even scholars.
I think, if you are a Christian, forgiveness is what you constantly strive for, no? And understanding? And to be kind and good to others? Dawkins wants that also. An excerpt from The Selfish Gene"Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish ( ... )
"Reason has built the modern world. It is a precious but also a fragile thing, which can be corroded by apparently harmless irrationality. We must favor verifiable evidence over private feeling. Otherwise we leave ourselves vulnerable to those who would obscure the truth."
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