Name: Alice
Livejournal Username:
AIM/MSN: ribbons of rain
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: None.
Name: The Doctor (Eleventh)
Series: Doctor Who
Timeline: Post-“Amy’s Choice,” pre-“Hungry Earth/Cold Blood”
Canon Resource Links:
Doctor Who,
Series 5, also
the Tenth Doctor since I draw comparisons between them in the personality section.
Affiliation: Trainer
When we’re first introduced to the Eleventh Doctor after his rather unconventional regeneration, he’s on shaky legs. He doesn’t know who he is (or rather, who he’s become), what he likes, what he doesn’t like, what’s changed, what hasn’t. But right off the bat, the Eleventh starts to show traits that were quite his own. To start things off, he has no problem at all telling people to just listen to him and do as he says. He wants people to trust him and simply obey him, and when they don’t gets frustrated and angry. When he first meets Amelia Pond, one of the first things he does is tell her to “do as he says, and don’t ask stupid questions.” And he does this repeatedly, whenever dropped into a new situation where he has to save people, he insists that they trust him and do what he tells them to. And he has a hard time concentrating when there are distractions, constantly shushing even his friends or telling them to shut up when he’s trying to think and sort out a problem, even interrupting himself at some points. The Eleventh Doctor also appears to have a photographic memory, being able to pick out very precise and intricate details after surveying something only once.
The Eleventh Doctor has sort of a give and take relationship with his immediate predecessor. Both were enthusiastic, but the Tenth was more outwardly so, always exuberant and lively. The Eleventh is still quite lively, too, but not nearly as much as the Tenth, and he’s much more subdued. He doesn’t seem to have the same level of empathy as his processor, especially not for humans, who he doesn’t appear to view as equals. But the Eleventh is always very blunt, never lying or beating around the bush, but taking things very calmly. In his first adventure, he very casually explains to a small group of humans that in about 20 minutes the planet will be insinuated much as if he were explaining that his tea’s gotten a bit cold. However, when pushed too far or put into a situation he finds uncomfortable or not preferable, he can lash out and get very angry and physically violent. He clearly doesn’t suffer fools, and does not allow for mistakes or offer forgiveness lightly. But at the same time, he doesn’t like violence or war, and goes out of his way to prevent those things, even when someone simply wants a weapon to defend themselves.
Unlike his previous self, the Eleventh Doctor is very out of touch with humanity. He’s incredibly socially awkward, not seemingly to really register what is and isn’t appropriate to say to someone, or how to behave, or how to process time when it progresses linearly. It even seems to drive him a bit mad. While he’s capable in showing affection, and seems to recognize love in others, he is completely unsure how to respond when people start showing affection and love towards him, let alone any kind of sexual inclination. He responds very negatively when Amy Pond tries to seduce him, stating he does not want it and that she’s human and it can’t work (once he, of course, figures out that she wants sex out of him. Which… takes him awhile to clue in to.)
The Eleventh Doctor has one hell of an ego, and has no trouble telling people who he is and of his accomplishments and… well, in general, he likes to show off how great he is. He thinks highly of himself, and as much as he likes Amy and Rory, he does not seem to see them, or anyone else, on the same level as him. And the only person he sees as being on remotely the same level is River Song, and he is very irritated by her and wants to get far away from her, the idea that she knows more about him than he does making him very frustrated and uncomfortable. He likes to be in control of all aspects of a situation, which ties in to his need to have everyone trust him and listen to him. But that’s just the Doctor, really. He’s a leader, he likes to be in-the-know, likes to be the one to get the gears moving, be the puppet master of sorts, much as he likes to deny his involvement in things. Most of all, he fancies himself a hero, intentionally or not. He can’t bear to stand back and just let things happen, even if all logic says that he should, even if the laws of time are against him. He has to save people if he can, regardless of the personal cost, and that cost can be quite… quite high.
The Doctor’s greatest strength in any incarnation is his intelligence. He’s brilliant and perceptive and completely mad, a dangerous combination that’s allowed him time and time again to do the impossible. The Doctor’s genius is in many things, from history to architecture to… weird things like playing football or cooking or pop culture (of various cultures), and especially anything technological. He lives in a time machine, after all, and the mechanics of how the universe works are at his disposal, and he knows how to use it.
On the line between strength and weakness is his sense of justice. While most of the time, his need to be a hero and save someone can do just that, save lives, sometimes it can instead wreck them, leaving lives and cities and worlds in ruin.
As I mentioned under Strength, the Doctor has a strong sense of justice, and almost always feels like he is the one responsible to save people even when he really should just let things happen as they’re supposed to. He can’t help himself, he must explore and get involved and help and save when he can, and now that there are no limitations on what he can do, as far as he can see, he thinks himself nearly invincible. But sometimes he can’t save. Sometimes he loses, and he hates himself for that. As he himself says, nobody hates him more than he hates himself.
The Doctor is also sensitive when it comes to discussions about Gallifrey, his home, and his family, and certainly his past. He’s secretive and mysterious, never telling his friends and companions the whole truth about him or revealing to them even about his other companions, always letting them just think they’re his one and only. He prefers the company of the young, as it were, never wanting to be alone, always needing someone to talk to, to stop him, to tell him he’s brilliant and make him feel needed and appreciated.
He’s also terrible at being on time. If he promises to be somewhere at a certain time, expect him to be about five minutes late. At most, maybe about 12 years.
Starter: A female Swinub.
First Person Sample:
…Well, this is quite interesting. …Although perhaps “interesting” isn’t the word I should be using, perhaps I should be using “terrifying” or “very, very dangerous” or “completely impossible.” [Here he pauses. The people in this world will believe that it’s real, entirely and utterly real. To say, “This can’t be real because this is some Earth video game” wouldn’t be at all helpful right now. But still, this cannot be real, so what’s going on? More importantly…]
Has anyone here seen a big blue Police Box? It’s… big and blue and says “Police Call Box” on it. You can’t miss it, it should hopefully be around here somewhere. I need to find it straight away. [Because if it’s not here, then… well, we have a problem.]
[There’s a long pause as the Doctor eyes the Swinub sniffing at his pants leg.] Now, on to you. You’re one of those creatures, I’m imaging, but why are you… sniffing me. Do I smell funny to you? Is that the problem? Because I’m thinking, if I get down on all fours and try to sniff you, you’re hardly going to smell like a bouquet of flowers, so it’s a bit rude of you to act so offended by me. [Another pause, his head tilting as he peers at the thing.] You’re not very exciting, are you? There’s supposed to be dragons in this world, electrical rodents, giant flaming apes, and you’re just… just a small fluffy pig. How incredibly boring.
Third Person Sample:
It was sort of cute, he supposed. In a weird… rather dull way. He couldn’t help being disappointed, just a tiny bit. After all, he could have had a dragon. A real, living, breathing dragon. And instead he’d gotten a small… fluffy pig that liked to sniff his right shoe. “Still, you are one of them, aren’t you?” the Doctor muttered, crouching down besides the Swinub, eyeing it curiously. “And what exactly am I supposed to do with you?” he wondered aloud, patting the creature awkwardly on the head. The Swinub let out a happy snort and the Doctor frowned. “You… creatures, you fight or something, don’t you? I’ve never played the games, but that’s definitely what you’re here for, I think. That was the point, but you… you don’t look like you could possibly hurt anyone.”
He spun that thought around for a second before a sort of smile crossed his lips. “I think I sort of like that. I’m not too keen on violence,” he informed her, gently scratching her behind her tiny ear. “So perhaps you and I can get along a bit better.” A pause. “Still, a dragon would have been cool…”
The Swinub gave an indigent snort and turned her head away, offended and the Doctor laughed. “Oho, come on now, don’t be like that, I was only joking. Well, sort of.” The Swinub turned back towards the Doctor, tentatively, before leaning back into his touch, causing him to smile. It really was a cute pig. Not entirely boring. He wouldn’t mind having it around.
Still, this whole thing was so surreal, even by his standards. This was a world that by no logical means should exist, a fictional world forged in the minds of humans on Earth, and yet here it was, as real as any other world he’d ever been to. It must’ve been some kind of illusion, or dream, or something. But what, and how, and why he wasn’t sure of. But there had to be a reason for it. A reason why he was here, why all this existed, a reason why his TARDIS was gone, and Amy and Rory were nowhere to be found.
It was just a matter of figuring out what those reasons were.