This is beyond perfect! I love it! This is a story I am anticipating to see more of soon! I don't mind you going all history geek on this. My friends and I are like that and it makes the story ten times better. The name change does not bother me at all and it makes the story flow a lot better. Thank you so much for a wonderful chapter and I'm just simply dying to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw shucks. <3 Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad that you're favorable to the history geek thing - it's only uphill from here. xD Seriously, you don't know the mental cartwheels I did upon getting a prompt that mentioned Rome. Absolutely jolted awake my muse and made me smile so very much. x3 I hope you continue to enjoy it!
It simply tickles me pink to see fics like this. I know if I'd been assigned something like it, I would've tried to fudge things so that the research wouldn't overwhelm me. You being a would-be Classics major was perfect. I'm looking forward to more.
I secretly think a big part of the reason why I enjoy non-fiction so much is that I dream I might someday find a use for what I learn in something I write. But having the prompt be Roman, of all things... trust me, I was also quite tickled pink to be assigned something like this. Thank you, and I'm delighted that you like it! :)
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