OH my damn! You are truly amazing! This was seriously hot! Logan as a porn star? AND in leather? AND Mistress Trixx? lol..this was great...so hot...Logan begging was seriously hot...and then in the end he was still so sweet...loved it! :)
Wow, I just about died of laughter a few times by the third paragraph. The names! Oh god the names, Randy Pluto and Sindy Trixx, Pike and Muffy the Vampire Layer.
You know I never thought of Logan as a porn star and I am telling you right now, I think Logan needs a job on the show, and he should really do something he is good at and this is definitly it. Great job. Love the names Pike and Muffy, gotta love it.
Comments 23
I loved it funny and hot all at once. Poor Angel he always gets the raw wnd of the stick.
Still my 2 favourite bad boys all in one fic who could ask for more.
This whole thing was totally crack!tastic!
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