I know I know. I got hooked in against every bone in my body.
cut for some Gossip-y musings
First of all. Things I adored:
The making out. Everyone was making out tonight and the people who weren't were wishing they were (that's right, I'm talking to you Lily and Rufus).
Blair and Serena's scene in which Serena tells Blair she can't attend the soiree and Blair is petulant about it. So cute. The Waldsen was rocking it in that scene. And I'm pretty sure there was some pleading eye action. I loved when Blair was waving/frowning as Serena left.
Blair busting Eric out of rehab with a startlingly clear impression of a boozy, prescription addled 12-step seeker. Sure, she probably copied one of her friend's parents but damn, if it wasn't amusing.
Serena being magnetic. yay. We got some Golden Girl time tonight though she capped it off in a few places by using common sense and rationale which I like less of in Serena :)
The scene at the bar when Blair grabbed that guy. She does that and it looks adorable, I spontaneously grab someone to kiss em and it looks like a linebacker sacking the QB. Not cute.
Also, when Serena very protectively brushed the guy off Blair. I thought B would be rather flattered and frankly, aroused >:) but she kind of yelled at S there. Oh well. They kind of made up there at the end when Blair was probably all melt-y inside over what a good sister S. is.
I was gonna do things I didn't like but there's not enough time and I'm getting hand cramps.