all pics behind cuts are semi-worksafe: not naughty enough for
naughty_knotty, but there's enough skin to lj-cut them. enjoy.
story one:
gorthok & i both caught the same cold last week, i from my boss, & he from me. joe's illness was exactly seven hours behind my progression of symptoms, which was pretty damned interesting on several levels. anyhow, we were both sick all week, then spent friday & saturday moving his stuff to my our apartment. sunday morning, he called out sick from his
circus obligations, & i took some photos while he did so.
my boy has a renaissance body, carved not from time at the gym, but life work like climbing mountains. yum.
he's making an odd expression here, but don't his dreads look great?
story two:
so we were fooling around on the sofa, & joe wound up pantsless. this was all well & fine when we decided to go to sleep, but on the way to the bedroom, joe was distracted by the mess he'd made in the kitchen. when he started mindlessly cleaning up, i couldn't help laughing & snapping pictures.
when he started cleaning the stove, i really lost it. most of the photos turned out blurry because i was laughing too hard.
story three:
directly following the kitchenbutt incident, we moved to the bathroom to floss & brush & do other sleep preparation things. (yes, together. yes, we're adorable. shut up.) it was chilly in there, so i put
my back against his, then noticed how good we looked in the mirror.
my dreads were over my shoulder & didn't make it into the pics.
despite the "put your cock in my mouth" expression in the following pic, i swear he's just brushing his teeth, not dreaming of deepthroat. (well, ok, maybe that's a lie. :D)
ok, that oughta hold you kids for a while. enjoy.