This was the day my failed comic started and my other failed comic re-started. I'd wanted to keep doing comics but at this point it was simply not to be. My thought processes had started to move away from joke comics into story comics, but I tried to do Dumnestor's Heroes as a joke comic anyway. It felt very confining, it compromised the story and characters, and none of the jokes were very good. Then there was Knowledge is Power, which I really shouldn't have tried to restart as a solo project, since the point was that Cil also wanted to do webcomics (she's since started her own,
The Winterkings), and we figured we could work together. I didn't do enough planning on the revised version of KiP, and it wandered off and started becoming something I hadn't wanted it to be, and eventually when I got back into school, both projects just fell apart when I simply didn't have time or motivation anymore.
Despite all this, late last year I started doing comics again anyway. What can I say, I got an idea, and my art style is much better suited to drawing things like furry aliens and small children than it is to things like ogres and superheroes. The Interstellar Tea House is currently at a spot where it tends to get bogged down in talking, but hopefully it will eventually get to the point, which is furry aliens and small children solving mysteries together!