About Me
Name:Courtney Megan
Birthday :January 13th, 1989
Mommy's Name: Kelly
Daddy's Name:Tony
Have any brothers/sisters: yes
What's their names and ages:Josh-11 and Aylissa-6
Shoe size: 8
Height: 5'6
School you attented: Cousino High School
Color: red
Number: 5,7,17,23
Letter: I have NO idea, C or T or S or A?? Oh wait and R. Forget it. Idk.
Sport: to watch, bball,hockey, and football
Day of the Week: Friday//Saturday
Teacher: my BST teacher
Subject: English??
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles…yum!
Ice-Cream: moose tracks?
TV Channel: BET
TV Show: nething on BET er MTV
Movie: lotssss too many to name.
Sesame Street Character: dont want that nemore
Rugrat: dont watch that nemore
Character Residing in 100 Acre Woods: wtf?
ThiS oR ThAt
Real World or Road Rules: Real World
Nickelodeon or Disney: Disney
Jessica Simpson or Ashlee Simpson: Jessica Simpson
Day or Night: night
Light or Dark: dark
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Crayons or Colored Pencils: crayons
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Mall or Movies: both..bkus both have lots of benefits and downfalls
Boys or Girls: boys
TrUe Or FaLsE
You'd take a bullet for a friend: hell yea
You'd die for love: yup
You'd kill for your best friend: omg yes.
You'd kiss your best friend: of course
All is fair in love and war: yea?
In ThE pAsT mOnTh, HaVe yOu
Drank alcohol: yes
smoked cigarettes: nope J
Done drugs: nope….
Went to a party: yea
Lied to your parents: yup
Got into a fight: yea
Got in a argeument w/a friend: yes
Been to the movies: yea
Been to the mall: oh fo sho
Broken the law: yup
Fallen in love: yea
Who's your best friend: I have two: Rachel and Amanda
Who would you choose between your best friend and all your other friends: my best friend
Who's your other friends: you expect me to name em all!?!
Would you take your family over your friends: prolly just my best friends, not to be mean.
Do you think you will stay friends with all of your current best friends: yea fo sho
How many people do you think you'll stay friends with in 20 years: idk
Do you trust all of your friends: nope
Can you laugh with all of your friends: yessss
Do you love all of your friends: yes, I love everyone<3
ThE LaSt
Friend you went somewhere with: Heather ((at my ma’s))
where'd ya go?: store
Friend you had a sleepover with: rachel
who's house did you sleepover?: rachel’s
Argument you had: last night with my dad bkus he yells at me and treats me like crap for no apparent reason
IM you recieved: Sammmmmmmm
Word you said: damnnnnn
Person that signed on: idk, didn’t pay attention
TV Show you watched: it was last night and it was Soul Food on BET, I like that show
Movie you saw: a lifetime movie
Song you listened to: lil jon and oobie-one night stand
LovE LiFe
Single or Taken: Single
How long: idk middle of this month?
Are you in love: no
How long have you been single?: umm, I don’t remember the date of when I dumped Jason sorry.
Do you want a boyfriend?: nope, fwb’s :-*
Have you fallen in love?: yes
With who? It’s a secret<3
YeS oR n0
Do you believe in God?:yes
Do you love your life?:sometimes
Do you smile a lot?: yea even when I don’t want to
Do you live your life spontaneously?: sometimes
Are you the life of the party?: I certainly can be :D
What comes to mind when you hear
..snow?: cold
..rain?: yuck
..tornado?: run
..summer?: finally…
..love?: everyone
..Jon?: Lil Jon
..Shea?: this girl from middle school
..banana?: long, lmfao
..dizzy?: being sick
..white?: paper
..peppermint?: toothpaste
..New Found Glory?: group I don’t listen to
..brother?: JOSH! I love him.
..hate?: overrated
..President?: Bush
..football?: fun to watch
..sex?: its hot and crosses my mind a lot… :-[
..death?: sad tragedy
..baby?: don’t want em
..duuude?: sufer
..the enD: story
would you rather
Free movies for a year or free CDS for your life?: cds
School or work?: school
Christmas or birthday?: birthday
Peanut Butter M&MS,Regular M&Ms, or Peanut M&MS?: Peanutbutter M&MS
Dozen Roses or 3 boxes of chocolate?: Dozen Roses
Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts?: Julia Roberts
Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise?: Brad Pitt
Vanilla Pepsi or Vanilla coke?: neither
American Eagle or Abercromie and Fitch?: American Eagle
Driving or flying?: Driving
Roller skating or ice skating?: Roller skating
Apples or oranges?: apples
Paris, France or Florence, Italy?: Paris, bkus I like Paris Hilton
Punk'D or The Newlyweds?: both, gotta love tho shows
Jay Leno or David Letterman?: neither but if I had to then Jay Leno
New York or LA?: LA, all the way
AOL messenger or MSN messenger?: AOL messenger
Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt or J.LO/Ben Affleck?: umm both.
Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger?: Tommy Hilfiger
leaf raking or snow shoveling?: neither but if I had to then..snow shoveling bkus Id play in it, lol.
black pen or blue pen?: black pen
WalMart or Target?: target
picnic under the stars or horse carriage in the park?: picnic under the stars
chochlate chip cookies or peanut butter cookies?: peanut butter cookies
Kobe Bryant or Shaq?: Shaq
French fries,curly fries, or tator tots?: French fries
Ben Affleck or Matt Damon?: Matt Damon