RP Log - Tachibana and Chitose trapped in the closet

May 31, 2007 06:56

This happened on Monday, but please let the anachronism slide. Rated PG-13 for language, death threats, etc.

Tachibana: *gets tossed into the closet like he's a drunkard being thrown out of a bar* *lands on top of Chitose as he's trying to stand up and starts CURSING LOUDLY because he has no idea what's going on*

Chitose: *might be cursing loudly, but it's hard to understand him with the bucket over his head* *smashed by Kippei* *flails about trying to protect his laptop and his Magic Eight Ball* *adds noises of PAIN to the chorus*

Tachibana: *can't actually tell that it's Chitose he landed on since he's got the bucket on his head and it's dark in the room* *starts thrashing around trying to stand up and only entangles himself more* What- Gah- WHAT THE HELL?!

Closet: *is small like a shoebox*

Chitose: *more loud noises that could be angry speech* *more flailing around and loss of balance due to geta* *knocks over a mop into Kippei's face*

Tachibana: OW! Fucking-!! *grabs the mop and shoves it out of the way* *tries to grab the other person* STOP MOVING!

Chitose: *is only MOVING because he is in a CONSTANT STATE OF FALLING because SOMEONE FELL INTO HIM* *more noises* *attempts to go into a CONTROLLED FALL that will leave him stationary SOMEWHERE* *ends up in a rather uncomfortable position with his laptop partially on his back, his face/bucket at Kippei's feet and one leg partially on the bottom shelf*

Tachibana: *is trying to adjust to the darkness of the room so he can attempt to SEE what the hell is happening* *crouches down as best he can, staring at the other person* *notes the GETA* ...Senri?

Chitose: *trying very hard to hold still in an uncomfortable position* *says something that sounds like, "KWIPPAY I HOV A BAHKIT AHN MY HEYAD!*

Tachibana: *flat look because he's totally NOT impressed* No shit. *reaches out, lifting the bucket a bit just so he can see Senri's eyes* So. *tries to be calm and controlled* Please explain to me why I've apparently been THROWN INTO A CLOSET! *...and fails*

Chitose: *loses balance and crashes to the floor completely* *lands on Magic Eight Ball and makes sounds of PROFOUND pain* *weakly* I'm going to kill him.

Tachibana: *frowns* Getting tossed into a small and dark enclosed space by Saeki and SHISHIDO of all people was probably the last thing I was expecting to happen when I came over, you know. *GLOWERS*

Chitose: *pops laptop in the corner and starts trying to get up* *not happy to be getting blamed for this* You're the one who wanted them to be quiet.

Tachibana: They can have sex on their own time, I wasn't in the mood to be listening to it. *looks around, trying to figure out exactly how much room he has to move around* *is disappointed to find out there's basically NONE*

Chitose: *pissed* I'm kicking Saeki in the balls when we get out of here. *feels his way to the door, brushing against Kippei, and starts BANGING AGAINST IT LOUDLY* OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!

Tachibana: *presses back against the shelves* Can we just steal his sword and cut them off completely? *kicks at the door all moody-like* LET US OUT, ASSHATS!!



Chitose: Shut up. We have to let them think we'll have mercy if they.. *BANGS SOME MORE* LET US OUT NOW!!!

Tachibana: Screw mercy, if they don't let us out in the next MINUTE, I'm breaking the damn door down. *starts banging on the door now*

Chitose: *thinks for a moment of freedom and inflicing pain, but then remembers that he has to PAY for the door if he breaks it* *keeps banging* I have to PAY for it if we break the door, dumbass!

Tachibana: That's supposed to deter me?! *bangs some more* It can't be THAT expensive. *snorts* I could BORROW money from Atobe again, if need be. *kicks the door SUPER HARD!!!*

Chitose: *shoves Kippei back* You're not borrowing money from rich-bro! Because you're not breaking down the door! *hits the door again*

Tachibana: *steps back, crossing his arms behind his head* He cancelled that other ATM card. Sucks, I was having fun with that. *examines some random items on one of the shelves* They're not going to open the door. Because they're idiots.

Chitose: *leans against the door frame, dejected* ... They hurt my baby.

Tachibana: I'm fine actually. *pauses* ... *slightly horrified with himself because his mouth totally didn't ask for permission from his brain on that one* ...I mean. What'd they do?

Chitose: *feels his brain overload* *drops down into a sitting position on the floor and points to where he left his Magic Eight Ball in the corner, completely forgetting that Kippei can't see it in the dark*

Tachibana: *hears Senri sit down with rather large THUMP and turns around quickly, blinking in the dark* Did you just fall?

Chitose: *holds his head in his hands and mourns the damage to his Magic Eight Ball, because that is beyond Serious Business* Did you just call yourself my baby?

Tachibana: ... *clears throat* No. Of course not. *abrupt subject change* You had your laptop earlier, where'd that go?

Chitose: *not fooled but still in mourning* *points again to the back corner* ... *realizes after a moment that it's FUCKING DARK IN THIS CLOSET* ... I set it in the back corner. Left.

Tachibana: *turns too far left and bangs into the shelves on the opposite side* ...Ow. *feels along blindly until he finds the laptop, then opens it up so the screen comes on so they have a source of LIGHT* God, FINALLY.

Chitose: *sees Kippei illuminated by the light of Microsoft Windows* *remembers what he had open on the taskbar and panics* *attempts to lunge to grab the laptop away, but lunging doesn't work when you're only six inches away, so basically it's a sloppy tackle*

Tachibana: *gets slammed back into the shelves and nearly drops the laptop* What the- SENRI. WHAT. *struggles to push Senri off of him* What the hell was that?!

Chitose: *tries to scramble to get to the laptop* I wanted to check my e-mail.

Tachibana: *gives Senri a weird look* I can check it for you- *shoves an elbow in his chest* Back off, you're going to make me drop it!

Chitose: *elbows him back* I can do it myself! *doesn't want Kippei to see that he was thinking about joining Aja's seven day community, because that's embarassing*

Tachibana: You have your account open, I can look at it easily enough - are you expecting an important e-mail or something?? *finally pushes Senri away* Geez. *tries to sit down and get comfortable in the REALLY SMALL AMOUNT OF SPACE available* ...Senri.

Chitose: *makes a sound of despair* *sits back but doesn't attempt to move away from Kippei at all* ... I was only looking.

Tachibana: *gives him a "YEAH SURE" sort of look* *in a mocking tone* Are you worried that your post on shouta will get you kicked off livejournal?

Chitose: *replies with a 'JUST STFU OKAY?!?" look* She was very convincing. Cult leaders always are. *pointed look*

Tachibana: She sounds like a raving lunatic and her Seven Day thing is ridiculous. *reads some of the entry* I'm posting five times on the Do Not Post day.

Chitose: ... Kippei, don't be a dumbass. *shifts a bit and feels something on the floor* *starts pulling on something that Kippei is sitting on*

Tachibana: Says the guy bending to some random person crazy ideas- *blinks, shifting off of whatever he's sitting on* What's that?

Chitose: *holds up a crushed package* You sat on the Oreos.

Tachibana: *stares* I wasn't aware we were given oreos.

Chitose: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is listening, does it matter if it lands on my Oreos?

Tachibana: ...I'm not even going to try and work out an answer for that. *starts clicking around on the laptop* If they leave us in here long enough to starve, we'll make due with the Oreo crumbs.

Chitose: They'll let us out soon. ... *flashes back to what started all this* *gropes around for his Magic Eight Ball*

Tachibana: *jerks* Oy, hey! *slaps Senri's hand* Watch where you're reaching.

Chitose: *picks up Magic Eight Ball and looks at it mournfully by the light of Livejournal* Kippei. ... Ask me a question. I need to see if this still works.

Tachibana: *staring at the computer screen because he just opened his own flist* *absently* Ah...is Saeki a fucktard?

Chitose: *shakes Magic Eight Ball gravely* *turns it over and reads the response* ...

Tachibana: ... *looks up at the silence and finds Senri looking like someone just died* ...What?

Chitose: *doesn't speak*

Tachibana: *frowns* Senri.

Chitose: Kippei. ... It says, "Have sex now."

Tachibana: ...Well. *looks pointedly back at the computer screen but doesn't actually pay attention to anything there* That definitely doesn't answer the question, does it? Must be broken. *straight face*

Chitose: *horrified* ... They broke my baby.

Tachibana: Buy a new one?

Chitose: *looks at Kippei, offended* I don't want a new one. I have others. I just... I never expected it to end this way. Saeki had no right to do this to one of my Balls.

Tachibana: *snorts* Protect your others then, you're hardly a man without them.

Chitose: *stares off into the darkness, his spirit broken, just like his Ball*

Tachibana: ...Tell me you're not going to sit there and mope all night.

Chitose: *speaks in a voice totally devoid of hope* My Magic Eight Ball has never lied before. This is a first. I'm not emotionally prepared to handle this.

Tachibana: *bored* Save that one for some undetermined date in the future and then ask it what we should do one night and maybe then it won't be a lie. *frowns at some random Tezuka comments on LJ*

Chitose: *remembers that he hasn't had sex since it was 2006 and feels even more put out* *grabs the laptop away from Kippei*

Tachibana: Hey-! *glowers* Why yes, Senri, of course you can use the laptop.

Chitose: Thanks. *almost-smirks to be annoying* *starts typing*

Tachibana: *leans over, trying to see the screen* What're you doing?

Chitose: *turns the laptop away* *bitchy* Telling Tezuka that you can't talk because we're having anal sex.

Tachibana: He's all annoyed I didn't reply to him earlier. Heh. *scoots closer, still trying to see what Senri's typing* Come on, stop being a dumbass.

Chitose: I'm not being a dumbass. I'm making him feel inadequate.

Tachibana: He probably doesn't care. *sits back and pokes at the oreo package* *pauses* Actually, I just want to tell him off because he's talking about me - give me the laptop!

Chitose: Call him a moron. *passes over* *leans into Kippei's shoulder so that he can see him type*

Tachibana: I do that enough during school. *starts replying* I'm going to bug Shishido, too. Or yell at him through comments anyway, since he won't open the freaking door.

Two Hours of Idiotic Commenting on LJ: *happens*

Laptop Battery: *runs out*

Chitose: *puts laptop on a shelf next to something* ... Are you tired yet?

Tachibana: *is annoyed that now it's all dark again* Not really. Even if I was, I wouldn't be able to sleep in here.

Chitose: It's not that bad. *attempts to prove point by stretching out* *ends up just pushing his body into Kippei's because there's no room*

Tachibana: *gets squashed up against the shelves and sneezes into Senri's hair since it's all in his face and tickling his nose* *pushes halfheartedly at Senri's shoulder* You and your tall, gangly self seriously don't fit well in here. Would you get off already?!

Chitose: *gives up on the hope that more space would present itself* Gangly?

Tachibana: *nods* Gangly. *stops shoving at him and pokes him in the side instead*

Chitose: *jumps* *attempts to press himself against the far side of the closet* *looks reproachful* Kippei, no.

Tachibana: ...Hehehe. *leers* *decides that he really DOESN'T need that much personal space after all and scoots over the entire seven-and-a-half inches that Senri managed to put between them* Problem? *pokes him again*

Chitose: *involuntary laughter* I will punch you, you bastard. *tries to press further into the wall and to shield himself with his arms*

Tachibana: There's not enough room in here for you to even get a good punch IN. *grapples with Senri, trying to get his arms out of the way so he can poke him some more* *is apparently five years old*

Chitose: *is six, at best* *starts fighting back, turning this into a tickling war*

Lots of Loud Moaning, Shrieking, Laughter, and Yelling That Saeki and Shishido Will Mistake for Sex: *happens now*

Tachibana: *panting and snickering, half collapsed on top of Senri and sort of wedged in between him and the wall* I can't believe that still works.

Chitose: *smiling and out of breath* You fucking bastard. *can't move*

Tachibana: Dumbass. You're SUPPOSED to grow out of that sort of thing. I think. *blows some of his hair out of his face*

Chitose: *actually realizing that he's fairly comfortable in this position, considering that he's in a dark closet with his legs twisted in an awkward position* I'll do that later. *thinks for a second and then shifts and puts his arm around Kippei*

Tachibana: ... *tenses up for about half a second and then gets over it* Hm. I guess if I HAD to be locked in a closet with someone...there are worse people I could get stuck with. *squirms around a bit until he's more comfortable* This wasn't COMPLETELY horrible. *smirks* But I'm still killing those two when we get out of here. With Saeki's own sword. They can be shish kabob'd.

Chitose: *grins* They will die. Repeatedly. *pauses for a few seconds* How many comments do you think will be on fandom_wank in the morning?


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