Holy Epic Bahleetion Batman!!

Mar 30, 2010 10:57

So, I try to go to the loligothdbs to leave a buyer feedback this morning and what do I find?


Sorry for the inconvenience!

The LoligothDBS is going away for good.

I apologize to those of you who have used this feedback database as a reliable source of information, but because of various things and people, it will no longer be in service.

If you would like to request your current feedback to date in numerical values, please email us at feedback@loligothdbs.com with the subject of "Feedback For *insert username here*"

So long, and thanks for all the fish."

My reaction:
PANIC followed by

So talia finally got fed up with everyone complaining about the way she "ran" the database and just took it away. There's already a post about it on the main comm, but I'm sure some of you may have some choice words to say about it that won't go over well there, so everyone: discuss.

~flounce~, reaally dumb shit, excuze me wtf r u doin, name: talia_speaks, bawwww

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